The song Smile was written in 1936 by Charlie Chaplin as a - TopicsExpress


The song Smile was written in 1936 by Charlie Chaplin as a instrumental for his movie modern times.John Turner and Geoffry Parsons added lyrics and a title in 1954 and Nat King Cole made a hit song out of i was standing in line to buy a polish dog at Costco when a older gentleman came up holding a hot dog without the wrapping and explained that it had blown away while he was putting on his condiments.I let him cut in line to get an extra wrapper and then got my order and went and put on my condiments.I sat down and he came and set across from me and we started to make small talk.he said that he was 93 years old and i asked him if he still drove and he pointed to the parking lot and said that his car was parked there,he also said that he golfed almost everyday and although his drives dont go as far as they used too his putting game is pretty good.he told me that he had gone thru the great depression,world war two and then he asked me how old i was.I asked him his name and he said that his first name is Gaylord and then i asked him if he had family living here and he said that he had a son and a daughter here.he talked about last weekends Patriot game and said that thru out his life he had played a little football and that he had felt enough footballs to know when one was under inflated.Gaylord said that Tom Brady and Bill Belicheck where both full of something and i dont believe that the word he used was integrity,he said that all that Tom Brady had to do was to turn to one of the many refs standing around him and tell him that the ball felt under inflated.he looked at my hat and shirt and asked if i knew the song smile and i said that i thought i did,he said that the song was written by an english comedian but couldnt remember his name.I told him that i often go down to my garage only to forget what i went there to do,when i got home i goggled the song and sure enough he was my age i think that i dont want to outlive my usefulness,maybe wind up in a rest home barley able to do anything,but if i do live to a ripe old age i hope Im able to do it like Gaylord.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 02:52:55 +0000

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