The sound vibration for “OM” (the vibration for creation), the - TopicsExpress


The sound vibration for “OM” (the vibration for creation), the frequency of the sun, has been recognized throughout the centuries culturally, religiously and now scientifically. It has also been known as the Solar Plexus Chakra, Shri Yantra, and Merkaba. There are many names but it’s essence has always remained the same. Scientifically proven, the sun itself resonates at a leveled frequency of “OM’. It’s also no coincidence that a strand of human DNA resemble the word Y-A-H. YHWH is said to be the original name of God and it can not be humanly spoken, pronounced or even uttered. Just being in the presence of God would make ones brain explode. Humans can hear up to 9 octaves/ 18KhZ so the vibrational frequency of the sun alone would be too overbearing to spiritually experience. God is the eternal source of all existence and life, and when we come to God we must come in spirit.. Geometrically “OM” is a symbol used to represent the full awakening of conscious light within an incarnated flesh vessel. This symbol represents the sacred union of male and female, the moon and the sun and when one comes to a realization that brings about the understanding that consciousness is neither male nor female but is pure, divine energy then they are able to piece together more of the cosmic puzzle, heightening and transcending levels of personal consciousness into higher realms of universal existence. This geometrical disposition is the synopsis when your consciousness disperses through the third eye prism, aka pineal gland (the holographic reality transceiver). The auric Torus field around the body is the result of the internal light energy centers, (chakras) open and spinning, governing our spiritual body. These bodily energies electromagnetically mimic the electromagnetic field of all things and entities in the conscious universe. Located in the center of the brain is The pineal gland, aka the Third Eye. Its the 6th sense, a crystal like prism that deciphers reality in accordance to a reflection of the individuals internal emotive consciousness. The spirals in the inner ear canal also hold spiritual energy that deciphers audio. In essence we are electromagnetic antennas that receive and create the vibrations that we attract. Our senses and mind are closely linked. God/the universe doesnt respond to what you want, it listens and responds to your thoughts, intentions, and repeating patterns, a water ripple effect. Redefine your reality and sense of self. Take responsibility for your feelings, emotions, thoughts, and intentions by finding the root reference of where they are stemming from. It is from this which manifests what you physically see and experience. Your soul is the manifestation of all souls, a part in cosmic universal awareness. Each and every person is the universe, an intricate component of the collective consciousness,an expression of oneself, the same truth expressed only in different form. Envision yourself as a mirror by which every image appears differently in you by means of mere personal reflection. Those who you admire display the same qualities which you most value within yourself. To those who you feel pretentious towards illustrates the comparable attributes that you dismiss within yourself. Every individual that you encounter and see is a distinct impression and reflection of yourself. Everyone and everything is associated to you and linked in some way, shape or form by the law of projection. Our duty as spiritual beings is to overcome the fight between nature vs nurture. Unless theres self-realization youll always be consumed by your desires and fears; repeating them endlessly and causing yourself to suffer because of it. Strive for a clear mind, understanding, and inquire into the true nature of what you are. This is the only way to reach enlightenment and serenity, to know peace. We do have the ability to free ourselves, it isnt a simple task and the only one who can do this is you. You are timeless and already perfected; nothing can be added, nothing can be taken away. We are all a part of this vast, beautiful, boundless energy stream. Our intentions and actions play the leading role influence on the whole. In a nut shell, reflectively thinking, if you want to become aware of the profound state of your own consciousness, look throughout and see what is unfolding around you.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 03:58:52 +0000

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