The source said the three men belonged to Parachinar. - TopicsExpress


The source said the three men belonged to Parachinar. Muharram violence Police searching for three suspects Increase font size Decrease font size Reset font size By Our Staff Reporter | 11/20/2013 12:00:00 AM RAWALPINDI, Nov 19: The Punjab counter terrorism department (CTD) has identified three young men involved in the Friday`s sectarian violence in the city. However, the suspects could not be arrested as they were not present in the residential addresses mentioned on their national identity cards. A source close to the investigation told Dawn on Tuesday that the three men, clad in jean trousers, were identified after the investigators viewed the photo images obtained from different security agencies and media clippings. Later, the investigators approached the National Database and Registration Authority (Nadra) along with the images and got the details of the accused along with their cellphone numbers. The source said the three men belonged to Parachinar. However, when the investigators tried to contact them at their addresses, their residences were found locked. The CTD team probing into the incident is headed by additional inspector general Aftab Cheema. Meanwhile, more than 40 people who were taken into custody from the surrounding areas of Raja Bazaar and other parts of the city to help identify the miscreants are being investigated,the source said. However, the investigators were unable to get help from the CCTV cameras installed along the route of the Ashura procession. The cameras installed on the route and connected to the main control room established at the DCO office were found not functioning due to a technical fault traced to the control room, the source added. The photo images collected from the intelligence agencies and films obtained from the media and other sources helped the investigators identify the people involved in the violence, the source said. He added that a few cellphone SIM were seized from the scene of the violence that also helped the investigators identify the miscreants. The police investigating team is also searching the vehicle which was seen in a photograph transporting patrol cans used to set the cloth market on fire. On the other hand, the fact-finding committee formed to investigate the sectarian violence recorded the statements of the former Regional Police Officer Zaheem Iqbal Sheikh, City Police Officer Bilal Saddique Kamyana and SSP VVIP security Dar Ali Khattak on Tuesday. The source close to the investigationadded that the former CPO while recording his statement before the committee allegedly blamed his superintendents and the deputy superintendents of police, City circles, for failing to maintain peace on Ashura. He also provided the security order for Ashura Muharram in addition to the other relevant record of security duties and meetings he had held with ulema of both the Shia and Sunni sects to maintain peace. Beside, the former SSP security Dar Ali Khattak also recorded his statement with the committee. The source said under the rule, as the head of the city police the CPO had to sign the `security order` devised for any such event. But in the case of the Muharram security, the security order was signed by SSP Khattak. When the committee members asked the SSP why he had signed the security order in the presence of the CPO, he could not give a satisfactory answer. The police source quoted him as saying: `I had just put my signatures on the security order as a routine. The committee will now record the statements of District Coordination Officer Sajid Zafar and Commissioner Khalid Masood Chaudhry on Wednesday.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 08:15:46 +0000

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