The special theological seminar for pastors and teachers started - TopicsExpress


The special theological seminar for pastors and teachers started yesterday. The speaker, Maciek Storlaski gave two lectures in three sections. Firstly, he spoke on ‘The Bible Overview: How To Understand The Bible As A Whole”. He explained that there are key events in the Bible which every Pastors and believers should know in order to aid either their understanding or exposition of the Bible. These key events are the ‘Complete Pictures of the Bible’ which were further divided into two sections; ‘Foundation and Fulfillment’. The foundational events in the Bible were listed as follows: I. Creation (Adam & Eve) – Gen. 1:31-2:1 II. The Fall (Babel) – Gen. 11:4 III. The Pledge (Abraham) – Gen.12:1-3 IV. Exodus from Slavery (Moses) – Exo. 2:23-24 V. Promised Land – Deuteronomy 26:8-9 VI. Law VII. King (David) VIII. Exile – Psalm 137 IX. Prophets – Jeremiah 31: 31-33 The fulfillment events in the Bible were listed as follows: I. Life of Jesus – Mark 1:14-15; Luke 2:11 II. Death of Jesus – Rom. 5:6-8 III. Raising of Jesus – 1Cor. 15:3-4 IV. Pentecost – 1Cor. 2:12 V. Return of Jesus – 1Thess. 1:8-10 VI. New Creation – Rev. 21:3-4 These according to him are the Complete Pictures of the Bible. It is with this understanding that one is able to expound the scripture as it should be expounded. The second lecture which was divided into two parts was on ‘The Structure of the Old Testament’. He led the audience through a step by step and a systematically survey of the Bible from Genesis to Malachi focusing on their messages and the period of its writing. With this insight, the Old Testament can be appreciated as God’s word for us today even as it was for the Old Testament believers. At the close of it, the way of salvation was openly declared as through Christ Jesus alone and the danger of eternal damnation in neglecting them. Today, the seminar continues again at 3.00pm Nigeria time and we urge you to find time to grace these teachings which are lacking in most Nigerian churches today.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 07:48:52 +0000

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