“The speed of communications is wondrous to behold. It is also - TopicsExpress


“The speed of communications is wondrous to behold. It is also true that speed can multiply the distribution of information that we know to be untrue.” – Edward R. Murrow What is “TMI with Aldous Tyler”? For decades now, the media has become more and more compromised. While you have always needed to question what is given you, it once was that the networks ran their news bureaus at an operating loss, buoying them with revenue from the rest of the network in order to meet their public service obligation. That meant that they didn’t need their news to entertain, to bring in ratings, to sell advertisements. No longer. Now the “news” is run for the same reason as any commercial program: to sell advertisers air time so they can reach audiences they otherwise wouldn’t have easy access to. This means that commercial news sources generally dare not report too strenuously on things that might go against the interests of the sponsors, lest the offending news program find itself pulled off the air. Worse, misinformation that the sponsors prefer to be aired can be let loose via the purchased ads or even more insidiously, within the news content itself. Recognizing this, many media consumers set their sights on PBS, only to see the once-reliable source compromised by their need to censor themselves in the interest of not offending their major underwriters, a recent example being the pulling of the exposé “Citizen Koch” off of PBS’ schedule, noting that the Koch brothers themselves have given over $20 million to public broadcasting. I assure you, that money was spent precisely to give the Kochs the very leverage they exercised there. TMI is designed to have no sponsors to be beholden to, so that the news, views and interviews that are going unreported, under-reported or just plainly distorted have an unfettered point of release. I happen to be a champion of those causes that focus on helping people and protecting their rights. I proudly wear the label “progressive” which translates to “anti-authoritarian left”, politically. I believe in the rights of the individual and in the support of your fellow human being, and if there is any bias to TMI, it stems from that. Now, don’t get me wrong, there are some good people who work within the commercial and public broadcasting models who regularly do good work, and I look up to them as inspiration for how one can hold fast to one’s values in the face of intense pressures to deviate from them. I simply knew it was necessary to make manifest the ideal of the media: information being given with honest analysis, the only filter being the conscience of the person bringing you the information. That is what I mean by saying that TMI with Aldous Tyler is “The Cure for the Common Media”. Will you support a real alternative to the corporately-owned-and-run media sources that are difficult to avoid? That’s an answer only you can give. Sincerely, Aldous Tyler, Host, TMI Support TMI via Patreon at patreon/tmi!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 16:31:16 +0000

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