The spirit of Jealousy is a terrible thing! It says I want what - TopicsExpress


The spirit of Jealousy is a terrible thing! It says I want what you have or whats coming to you even though I havent paid the price that you have to receive it. And, I dont have the anointing you have to walk it out! It is a very short sighted view of life. People who walk in that spirit are actually saying that God wont bless them with something just as good or even better! God has a blessing with your name on it!! Dont be envious or jealous of other people. Celebrate their blessings! Be happy for them! The longer you walk in that spirit is the longer your OWN blessing gets delayed. The spirit of jealous can only DELAY the plan of God through manipulation, control & schemes but it can NEVER STOP the plan! What God has ordained BEFORE the foundation of the earth WILL come to pass! If you are jealous of what someone else has or you see it in the spirit and it bothers you, IT IS TIME TO REPENT! You are only hurting yourself and delaying your own blessing. Step out of the way! Before God has to move you out of the way... and it wont be pretty! Bless them while you can because when they finally lay hold of what is INEVITABLY coming their way, you are going to WISH that you were a part of that! (Genesis 37:5) Now Joseph had a dream, and he told it to his brothers; and they hated him even more. YES, they were very jealous because they knew something about him was different! He was chosen to do what he was going to do. So, they tried to kill him! But, G-O-D!!! (Genesis 42:6) Now Joseph was governor over the land; and it was he who sold to all the people of the land. And Joseph’s brothers came and bowed down before him with their faces to the earth. Yes, It happened anyway! If anyone is jealous of you, pray for them, walk it out! Forgive them even though they are murdering you with their words. The hindrance and obstacles that is being put in your path to stop you from the destiny is only TEMPORARY! Keep yourself clean and WATCH WHAT GOD IS GOING TO DO!! HALLELUJAH! Clean hands. Pure Heart. Clean Hands. Pure Heart.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 17:12:17 +0000

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