The spiritual world is opposite, no containment. Kalpavrksa trees - TopicsExpress


The spiritual world is opposite, no containment. Kalpavrksa trees give freely, as does Cintamani dhama, and surabir cows. Prema flows freely every where, especially from Krishna’s flute. His devotees are not in material cases, with no need of cars or houses to protect from foul weather. Even here on this earth, when the devotee dances with arms upraised, this is a gesture of opening up and letting it all out. Its blowing the lid off the countless containers of millions of years of inward anxiety and letting out the pent up love for Krishna, that had so long been transformed into lust. The joy of coming to Krishna Consciousness has no containment. A thing that we should always remember, is never try to contain other devotees. As Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Maharaja said, “The idea that one should be master of God’s devotees leads to inferno.” Also, the Talaba Upanishad says, “those who aspire to be masters of the devotees, who are the masters of God Himself, are indeed most culpably arrogant.” Srila Prabhupada is the only master, and we should verily refrain from the urge to contain other devotees of the Lord. We should only work on our own containers, and let Srila Prabhupada be the master, and know that Krishna is always in control. You know… the funny thing about containers … is that they contain things … but it doesn’t have to be that way eternally … Om Tat Sat......................
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 13:51:05 +0000

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