The state of the health of the country , as is reflected by the - TopicsExpress


The state of the health of the country , as is reflected by the state of health of our leaders .We have the those in charge passing out at a pass out parade pun intended. “Shoe too tight , made in China perhaps. The ceremony too long-ah the vest –the vile west changed the weather -cold in the morning- hot in the afternoon. Your excellency it was deep love for you that caused the pass out –I do that sometimes when I think of your contribution to the struggle!!!!.Mzembi has done the crying bit – a tad bit too feminine if you ask me -passing out is more manly – anyway just one man’s opinion.” The perpetual eye problem of the first citizen interfering with the vision of the country- for when the first among us all cannot see who are we to see. He that opposes cannot make up his mind whether he is sick, tired ,confused or is it all of the above ?Fit as a Fiddle or Fiddling as a...Fiddle Students companion anyone ?Oh maybe if you cant escape from prison what to do “MAIN ACTOR”. The Great Hospital Escape might just do the trick. Nothing makes a hero than a hospital escape especially the local ones death traps the whole lot ! All have committed to die on the JOB –draw a salary as they draw their last breath .The chief elections officer dies on the job –may his soul rest in eternal peace –he never gave us peace though but ah that’s the thing to say. How can the country prosper when they that “pretend” to lead are not well. Key institutions are being “manned” by people engaged in deep conversations with their “ancestors”. They see the grim reaper all to clearly as they plead for one more day, a week perhaps or a year if you could be so kind. In their stead they offer thousands of young souls to the grim reaper as sacrifice .Through a dying but expensive health system whose halls fill with the cries for the dead and not the joyous screams of those healed. The national roads are marked with toll-gates to the cemetery. Desperate citizens journey from prophet-healer-apostle –and so forth in search of biblical miracles; others just stay put believing their misery to be punishment for what, if not they, their ancestors did. The OLD lead the YOUNG in an uncoordinated dance of misery. The country is caught in the deep vice grip of a DICTATORSHIP OF DESPAIR .or is it ZIMASSET
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 06:29:06 +0000

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