The story below is a true story I share it because I hope to touch - TopicsExpress


The story below is a true story I share it because I hope to touch a heart and hopes it. Saves someone Love is a power weapon Each ding I heard was the counter telling me that I was closer to the lobby. You could hear the pin pull back before striking the actual bell, indicating that this elevator is a regular run down project elevator but Im grateful for it. In this elevator you can be with a complete stranger, someone who happens to get on another floor. How can I trust a complete stranger in a closed box, making judgments from theyre appearance? It stopped two flights down from where I got on and enters an older woman who would turn out to be in her mid 40s. She was a hispanic women more americanized, caramel skin and black straight hair to the tip of her chin. She had a smile on her face and I thought nothing of it. Nothing intrigued me about this women and prob because I was so into my world because noone ever thinks to deep about a person theyre in a elevator with unless their mind isnt busy at all. On the 3rd ring down from where she got on, right on cue, she burst into tears, weeping with utter sadness. I immediately felt the pain from the tone of her voice. How could this lady with a smile first plastered on her round face just a second ago be so sad within seconds? I couldnt bare the energy that she brought into this closed boxed. The elevator stopped 2 more flight, the doors opened to an empty hallway. Are you ok? She looked at me, contemplating, you could tell she was thinking how to answer that question, I continued to smile. I just found out I have breast cancer she softly said. Thats it? I replied, her face stund and confused. My love your going to be ok, the treatment will make you feel groggy but your going to be fine. Medicine today is top notch. I shared with her how my mom had beat breast cancer and she was in her 60s few years back. She looked at me smiled and took a deep breath. I opened my arms and I hugged her, I didnt know this lady but I knew she was in pain. Heres the interesting part, this happened about 2 1/2 years ago. This was a time where I was super depressed. I just had a horrible break up to someone I loved to dearly, I lost my job, I got mugged, my life was a bad event after another. I couldve easily ignored her. What baffled me was how could I tell this lady its going to be ok when I, myself wasnt sure what was going on in my life. I was going through so much pain at that time. They say misery loves company but I dont ever personally feel that way. Why would I want someone to suffer as much as I am? I dont think my heart could ever be that small. I bumped into the lady recently and she remembered me. She told me she beat cancer and is going to be a grandmother. She thanked me and said ever since that day she hasnt shed a tear about it. She told me that she felt that she had put the world on my shoulders and I carried it with ease. You never know what other people are going through even if they have a smile plastered on their face. Everyone is fighting a battle you do not know about, it might be minor to you but it isnt your battle to fight to begin with. Sometimes you have to help someone else to get a lesson learned. what I learned that day is no matter how much I think Im the only one going through something hard and rough theyre other people going through the same or worst then what I am. K learned that when a fellow man is down if you can help him /her try, not because you expect something but because its the right thing to do. I look at her and I look at me and have to say we turned out ok.....
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 10:04:25 +0000

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