The story of America is race. And its bitter fruits are on display - TopicsExpress


The story of America is race. And its bitter fruits are on display again in Ferguson, Missouri. We don’t pretend to know exactly what happened on Aug. 9, or whether the grand jury’s decision was the correct one, or whether Wilson was justified in shooting Brown. The truth is Michael Brown stole from a store. He had a confrontation with a person in the store. It is on video. Stealing is a crime. Later, Officer Wilson encountered Brown and a friend. The officer believed Brown was the person who stole from the store. Before he could exit his police vehicle, he was assaulted and a struggle for his gun took place. Brown’s blood was found on and in the police vehicle and on Officer Wilson’s clothing. After being grazed by a bullet, Brown ran. Wilson pursued on foot and ordered Brown to stop. Brown turned back and charged at the officer. The officer used deadly force. There are so many questions, like what if Officer Wilson was a black officer or Mr. Brown a white kid, the one issue that always comes up is when it is white on black that the race card comes up. Some of the images from Ferguson were sadly familiar — buildings and police cars in flames, tear gas billowing across streets, windows shattered, looters emptying stores. When one looks at the video ninety percent of the rioters were black, idiots, dumbasses, etc. I bet the majority of them could care less about the verdict, all they wanted was an excuse to cause trouble because that is how they were raised, hate white people, get in trouble play the race card, don’t worry Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson will come to your rescue. What I think should be done is arrest the individuals that are causing trouble, destroying property, etc. arrest them, put them a C-5 Cargo plane. Send them to Iraqi or Afghanistan to fight the ISIS or Taliban, give them a gun, flak vest and helmet. Let them then throw up their hands and yell “Hands up don’t shoot” or throw the race card out, I can guarantee they will be dead in a heartbeat and Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson will be nowhere in sight. I along with my son and daughter serve proudly in the military, to protect Americas freedom, so these idiots, dumbasses can destroy America from within. After centuries of grappling with poisonous relations between those of different skin colors, it sometimes feels that we’re no closer to bridging that gaping divide. Race is our country’s core issue, the one big thing we simply can’t resolve, and it’s at the core of so many of our lingering problems — like education, housing and, yes, justice. What we do know is that once again we are reminded of our sad legacy of race relations, and that if we fail to heed this latest lesson and resolve our differences, we’ll be condemned to wallow in them forever. If we want to look at things to change, we ought to start by teaching people to follow the rules we have in place. That means all people. We should recognize the authority of parents, teachers, police and others in a position to enforce rules and laws. Some in today’s society have had no structure, no guidance and have no regard for others or the laws of our society. If we start there, I guarantee the rest of our problems will disappear I will now close, but before I go I apologize to my many black friends if I upset you with my comments but the streets or playing the race card when things don’t go your way is not the way to settle these issues. It has to be done within the guidelines of the United States Constitution, which says “We the People” that is everyone black and white and all other races lets work together to bring peace within America.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 03:16:20 +0000

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