The story of two men A and B had made an appoinment to meet at - TopicsExpress


The story of two men A and B had made an appoinment to meet at a place at 4pm. A arrived at 4pm and B had yet to arrived even after one hour. A started calling B with bad names and accusations, WITHOUT KNOWING that B had actually arrived at the place and it is A that is at fault as he was at the wrong place. Moral of the story? It is best for us not to make any accusation or assumption when we do not know the REAL situation. It is always best for us to understand the situation, investigate and ask from the right person and not to listen to rumors and stories from unknown or unreliable sources. We are humans, and we have nafs in ourselves that waited eternally for even the slightest chance possible to take control of our body. Ask ourselves 2 questions. Would we like nafs to take control of our body? Would we like to be in the position of being accused of many accusation? Relating this to the current situation, Does making accusation or assumption make things better or to the worse? A friend Syafiq Yuhaizad recently told me and I quote As lawyers, assumption are dangerous as our mistake would be vital for our clients and I agree. Assumptions are vital and it would jeopardise a persons liability and integrity. In times like this, we need to stand together and work for a solution. So please, 1. Stop making accusation and assumption. Asked all parties related to get the right info. 2. Stop making fake accounts to create stories (udah2la add saya. Saya takkan approve. dari PRU lagi -.-) 3. Stop making things any worse than it is. If you cannot be part of the solution, please dont be part of the problem. In difficult times like this, we unite and defeat the real enemy, or we fall and allows the enemy to have the last laugh. I might be wrong and I might be right. This is my own humble opinion and I do not represent any political parties, societies, unions, NGOs, organizations, coalitions. Wallahualam. May ALLAH bless us all.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 14:24:09 +0000

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