The strategic instructions in our Kingdom Constitution tells us it - TopicsExpress


The strategic instructions in our Kingdom Constitution tells us it is our reasonable service to reverse the stealing of our minds {Rom.12:2)... II Cor. 10:4-6 instructs us that it is our responsibility to #1 Pull down strongholds ... #2 Cast down vain imagination and everything / thought that exalts it self against the knowledge of God. #3 Avenge all disobedience when your obedience is full filled You pull strongholds down by saturating yourself in the Word of the King and submitting to them matter how you feel or not... this spiritual warfare is not about your feelings it is what did Father instruct us to do... obedience is the key to your break through so you can break out... You cast down vain imagination by knowing the word of God and speaking out loud that truth that counteract against the lie the enemy is trying to plant in your mind ... you cant stop the bird from flying over your head but you can stop the bird from building a nest in your hair ... think about it ... same with the thought the enemy shoot at our mind ... up root it... if you are use to thinking wrong with wrong ideas and wrong conclusions wrong thinking lead to wrong actions Phil. 4:8 tells us what & how we aught to be thinking right thinking lead to right actions... Your obedience revenge all disobedience when you completely do what God has instructed / command us to ... (Matt.6:33) In the Kingdom of God responsibility and accountability is part of our culture We have been commanded to make Matt.6:33 our #1 Priority... and as you obey this mandate/commandment/instruction for your life which you will rediscover the Power and Urgency of this message... redicover your Divine Purpose. True Divine Identity, and Divine Destiny which is based on your willingness to do or not the will of the Father... Life is a series of choices... if your choices have made your life a ship wreck and ruins turn this ship wreck around (renovate it) change your direction , change your thinking,(repent!) Life is also a series of can stay stuck , or choice to change and move in that direction manifest the change by following the Kings instruction.... as you do what He says and submit to His ways and not religion,or traditions of men ... your life will change from the inside out ... you will not be the same again ... your change will be out of this world and not from this world.... #AskmehowIknow?Matt6:33
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 13:28:18 +0000

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