The strategies adopted for fighting elections by Indian - TopicsExpress


The strategies adopted for fighting elections by Indian politicians have been to ignore basic issues and playing caste religion politics.No leader had ever taken its electorate into confidence on improving economy,reducing unemployment or education . They create a lollipop manifesto by declaring freebies to people after they come to power.This is one of the basic reason of all our problems that we fall pray to their honeyed words and forget real issues facing us as a nation .Individual thinking of their immediate gain choose sides and try to persuade others to follow their own path . Lack of understanding among the common folks regarding the structural problems facing us and how to tackle it is a grave problem.Youth being educated can play a important role of spreading awareness among society that on what factors they must cast their vote .India being an agrarian economy and people being poor and uneducated ,they cant foresee real motives behind the smiling faces of these shrewd politicians . They had been making a mockery of this whole nation since long ,Since long they had been acting as kings considering us their slaves using us to fight their dirty political games ,lets now take the battle of change to their doors ,lets assume responsibility and instead of bearing allegiance to political parties vow that we will change society by changing ourselves that we will no longer act as their puppets .
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 11:37:27 +0000

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