The study, conducted by the Australian National University (ANU) - TopicsExpress


The study, conducted by the Australian National University (ANU) in partnership with the Social Research Centre, found satisfaction with democracy slumped from 86 per cent in 2007 to 72 per cent when attitudes were surveyed again in June. The number of Australians who believed it made a difference which party was in power plunged from 68 per cent to 43 per cent in the same period. ANU Professor Ian McAllister said Australian democracy still enjoys high levels of support compared to overseas but he is concerned by the loss of belief in a meaningful vote. Efficacy, the belief in the effectiveness of your vote, is really quite an important indicator in the health of a democracy, Professor McAllister said. After the unprecedented instability of the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd governments, Professor McAllister says the Abbott Government should have generated renewed political confidence but for the first time in the polls history, the election of a new government did not see increased satisfaction.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 00:02:34 +0000

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