The suggestion that Bernie Sanders become the presidential - TopicsExpress


The suggestion that Bernie Sanders become the presidential candidate of the Green Party is excellent and crucially necessary to make the Green Party THE alternative to the two corporate sell-out majors. Having Bernie, a nationally recognized, reputable and respected spokesman for regular folks, is the icon, the charismatic figure that we all need, not only to have hope in a political solution, but to believe that what we so sorely need can become a reality and not just an exercise in the marginal politics of disgruntlement. Bernie has the credibility, the seriousness (gravitas), he has the analysis that identifies where the causes are, and he has the attention of even mainstream media. He and the Green Party would prove a mighty force to be reckoned with. Hes for real – indeed, he IS THE REAL DEAL, and not that craven, pusillanimous, appeasing empty corporatist suit that now sits in the White House (and for whom I voted for in 2008 like millions of other Americans who hoped -- beyond the reality -- that we had in that candidacy what America needed to have in its dire hour of need). Nows the time to begin the push for this partnership between a nationally known figure of conscience of long standing and the Party that is registered in most states of the union. I do not doubt that with Bernie Sanders as the Green Party candidate for president, we could perhaps be on every states ballot by 2016. Lets do what we can to make it happen for all our sakes. (JdeCP)
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 01:45:09 +0000

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