The summary of Pst Matthew Ashimolowos message at the RCCG Youth - TopicsExpress


The summary of Pst Matthew Ashimolowos message at the RCCG Youth Convention in Nigeria. Hope youll learn something new and be blessed as you read. MINDSET OF KINGDOM MILLIONAIRES Money is like a current, it is either flowing to you or flowing away from you that is why it is called Currency. So you need to learn how to magnatise money. Most people are poor because of lack of knowledge and examples/training they received from parents and authority figures. If you grew up in an environment that says money is meant to be spent, youll never have savings Psalm 66:12 Every year loads of people are joining the millionaires club! God wants to raise you as a person who can make a difference in your world. It is not true that there is money scarcity in the world, rather every year millions of people cross the millionaires threshold. Dont listen to the what ifs and words of distractions around you. You work towards getting blessed first and watch God teach you how to handle it. There are people who lack the right knowledge to make wealth, some Christians will cry and pray for financial breakthroughs but their financial levels never change because they havent obeyed the laws of wealth making. There are certain laws you must follow to make wealth, if you dont obey them you cant be a millionaire! The law of gravity doesnt respect anointing! 2Timothy 1:7 To be a millionaire you have to overcome the spirit of fear! Things may not always go right at first but dont let that stop you, God hasnt given you the spirit of fear! The secret of success is that there are no secrets! If you do what others have done you will get the results other millionaires have gotten. God is no respecter of person, colour, gender or age. If you believe Him, Hell do greater things in your life. The richest man in Nigeria, Aliko Dangote is not a Christian even the young man who owns facebook is worth over 20million dollars and he isnt born again! You have a kingdom mindset, the spirit of God dwells in you so too you can make it! Unsaved people become financially successful because they know the proper steps to follow. There is a time for fasting and prayers but there are certain principles you must follow! 7 PRINCIPLES 1) Have a great dream/purpose/ vision. -Write down your dream/vision for the next 1yr, 5yrs, 10yrs - See yourself in the place of wholeness, happiness and wealth (Prov 23:7) - Ask yourself precisely where do I want to be in 5yrs?. Bible says God will grant the desires of our heart, if you dont have a desire, what do you expect God to work with? 2) Do what you are passionate about! Prosperity doesnt come just because you went to uni or have a good job! Find out what you are passionate about, pursue it and it will take you places -Turn your passion into a source of income - Dont start with a NGO if you have not worked for a couple of years. Broke cannot help broke and it is difficult for a struggling person to help struggling people. - Too many Christian youths are jobseekers! JOB stands for Just Over Broke. You can never become a billionaire through a job. No bank CEO through their official basic salary makes 1million dollars. 3) Find and develop your unique gift! Matt25:15 God has blessed everyone of us with gifts, youre gifted! - Package your skills and talents well! All Oprah Winfrey does is talk! Women like to talk but she packaged her talk very well and shes making big money. 4). See yourself as self employed whether you have a job or not! -Those who end up millionaires dont work the contracted 8am-4pm 9am-5pm hours at their place of work, they go an extra mile and work over time when needed. - There must be results in the hours youre being paid for! See the organisation you work for as yours, give it your very best and when you get your own company youll be disciplined enough to manage it effectively and efficiently! 5) Be committed to excellence! -To excel means to surpass, to be ahead, to be at the top, to be NO 1. When you are on top of your game, people will notice and respect you. Proverbs 22:29, Proverbs 18: 16 - All successful people are good at what they do! Before you put something out there, make sure it is excellently done! 6) Develop a clear sense of direction -Where are you going? How would you know when you get there? What are the milestones? -Even in your relationship, when it comes to picking who to marry, make sure you pick someone with a clear vision as you! If God wants to prosper you and you are with the wrong person it might not work out, it takes only one Jonah to sink a ship! - No goal, No go! You cant go forward without goals, set goals for direction. - Make a plan and write it down (Habakkuk 2:2). If you know it and its written down, its easier to remain focussed when challenges and distractions come. 7) Have a money mission! What do you intend to do with the money when God eventually blesses you? Bible says in Proverbs 1:32 that the prosperity of fools end up destroying them. 4 Money Missions To Follow As A Christian - Be a Kingdom promoter (Matthew 6:23) - Be a blessing to your family - Be a blessing to the household of faith (Gal 6:10) - Be a blessing to those who are needy (James 1:29). - 3 Things you need to combine as a believer. 1) The skill in which youre trained (2) You natural abilities and inborn traits (3) The anointing of God. You can be wealthy if use your gifts, develop it and depend totally on God Oct 5, 2012
Posted on: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 21:46:30 +0000

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