The superior qualitySicilian extra virgin olive oil. One of - TopicsExpress


The superior qualitySicilian extra virgin olive oil. One of the foods that is part of the Mediterranean diet is superiori quality extra virgin olive oil, obtained by pressing the fruits of the olive tree. The climate, the soil and the cultivar, are the elements that nature provides us with, we just add the knowledge and love, in order to obtain the highest quality products. The harvesting of unripe olives, cold milling at the right time within 12 hours, a good decanting and storage under nitrogen, provide us with an excellent product. The Intense Fruity smell of fresh olives, the spicy and bitter taste, are synonymous with high quality. When a product is defined Excellent It is because it belongs in the highest category, It posesses what others do not have. A study prepared by Prof. Dugo of the department of Food Science in the University of Messima, discovered the presence of 9 new polyphenols, in addition to hundreds of micro-nutrients and anti-oxidants already known, and especially the presence of selenium. Selenium is in fact present only in extra virgin olive oil from Sicily, and it is not found in any other oil. So its presence guarantees the authenticity of the oil itself. One of the richest Cultivar of this element is the Nocellara. For the richness of all these elements, Sicilian extra virgin olive oil of superior quality, can be defined as a cure-all, in fact the FDA stated that a daily consumption of just 23 grams, is able to improve resistance to cardio vascular diseases and can help fight free radicals, for this reason it is considered a natural anti tumor. Only oils with an acidity of less than 0.08% can be defined Superior Quality. Nutritional quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil Superior Quality, obtained from Nocellara, is chemically composed of: 1% of Proteins 3.5% of Carbohydrates (sugars) 20% mono unsaturated fats Lipids Vitamins (A, B1, B2, C, E, K) Minerals Calcium, Chlorine, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus and Sulphur. Only Superior Quality Extra Virgin olive oil is Sicilian and It is found exclusively in high Catering and Gastronomy all over the world. The availability of our oil, is very limited, so it is advisable to make an escort according to your consumption. [email protected]
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 22:02:02 +0000

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