The system IS FLAWED people... It is sad to say, that as ass - TopicsExpress


The system IS FLAWED people... It is sad to say, that as ass backward and ignorant and downright foolish some people committing unlawful offenses can surely be... The same can be said of their sentance, charge/s, judgement handing out, city, state, and federal officials, along with other things like arrogant, entitled, (i wish it were as simple as some smaller type of unfortunate, but) not just lacking, but COMPLETELY VOID OF THE 1ST BIT OF COMPASSION, SYMPATHY, EVEN EMPATHY, OR the ability to find understanding and an ability to relate in some way (because ITS THERE, if not in themselves, than NO FURTHER than somewhere in the ranks of their,OWN immediate family) to their neighbor, fellow citizen and/or member of society and more over THEIR VERY OWN COMMUNITY (which we should be wanting to improve and make better and tighten the knit with our neighbors through our relationships, or even just our interaction with others in our community each day)... I am not naive, and as a non government official title holding member of society and my community (WHO HAS PAID HIS TAXES EVERY DAMN DAY OF THE 16plus Years I have been able to seek out, obtain, AND MAINTAIN what MIGHT be worthy of a title such as gainful employment, if those steadily rediculouly increased in leaps and bounds taxes would stay in one place longer,than i do) I acknowledge and wholeheartedly support and agree with the fact/idea that there infact IS and also rediculously increasing number of individuals left (from early childhood, on) to their,own devices in a world where there is ABSOLUTELY NO CHANCE,FOR SUCCESS without the constant love and support and edjucation from parents and or other individuals with a genuine care and desire to be invested in their lives.... These terribly unfortunate neglected souls are without pause, made an addition to the criminal and otherwise negative element of society and the community.... THEN, there are plenty of others... alot of them, PERFECTLY GOOD and law abiding citizens, who go through their battles, personal struggles, hard times, and rough patches in life(some created by seeds planted with their very own hands, BUT PLENTY OF THEM STILL, honest to goodness, victims of circumstance and other similar cooincidence and misfortune) who make poor choices, or, in moments of weakness, allow themselves to succumb to their demons, or for whatever other reasons there may prove to have been.... Simply MAKE MISTAKES in one point in their lives or another. This DOES NOT BY ANY MEANS AT ALL, make them a bad or a negative person, nor does it, or SHOULD IT, rather, paint their image within our society/community a bad, or poor, or lesser deserving, or evil, or destructive, or any other colors that may aid in their being illustrated in such a manner... We are ALL, as human individuals, each in our own way/s, FLAWED, but this does not mean that we are not deserving of the very same opportunities to lead a full, and mostly enjoyable, happy, productive life... one which we can be proud of having lived when our time comes to the inevitable end... My point in all this is, the all too easy to see, any given weekday, with a free of charge, trip to your local court house, during which (after your arrival and entry into which ever court room holding proceedings open to the public at the time) you can, without a doubt, and within less than an hours time gaurenteed, bare witness to some pompus, arrogant, snyde, entitled, overly critical, redjculously bias and unjustly opionionated, indefinitely closed minded and unaccepting of the fundemental AND NECESSARY truth to the existance of perfectly reasonable and just as lawful and respectfully geared views and ways of thought and insight and going about the living of a full and righteous life, simply apart from his own but for the experiences which made up the builing blocks of the other individuals ideals, values, morals, and lifes design as a whole.... And you can observe as these publicly annointed officials pass off judgement on members of their own community, without a half ounce of compassion for the struggles that the AVERAGE working class, lacking most unfortunately that ticket into mr. Highly exhalted graces, such as the proverbial silver spoon implanted at birth deep within ones ass, and one of the few identifiable traits which would place someone in his same bracket of upper class, and if it happened one should bare any of these entitlement granting marks, THAT WOULD BE THE ONLY NOTABLE SIGN TO HIM THAT YOU MAY JUST BE DESERVING OF A PASS, so long as he absolutely sure you arent the type who might own a company and earn a living cutting grass...... Its dissheartening, and a sight to see which too often, only offers the idea of hopelessness and raises unavoidable questions and doubts regarding the values, ideas, and moral standings of people who have obtained seats in such positions which should mirror things which are just, compassionate, and supportive,protective, and reflective of the very rights and laws which our great nation was founded and built upon so very long ago.... Traffic court is CERTAINLY no place where ANY BIT of room sholud be permitted or reserved for the treatment of ANY of its citizens required to appear there to be treated or communicated with as though they had been convicted rapists or murderers in encurring their traffic infractions, however major or minor!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 22:14:00 +0000

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