The teacher,a brain drainer,the source of every invention and - TopicsExpress


The teacher,a brain drainer,the source of every invention and discovery,produces thinkers,leaders, writers and earned a sobriquet GURUin the society is now being harassed with mass transfer,a new policy.It reminds me the way a flock of animal is guided with a bell and stick by a member of the family with least responsibility. Reason that ripple across the state is non-performance of some teacher resulting non -functioning of some school in some part of the state. Policy that intented to bring about desirable changes in the education system draw applause from every section of the society.However,we cannot forget the rest of the teacher that performing well,upon which the glory of a school is rest.We cannot forget their social relation and responsibilitis in their area.We cannot forget the continuity of their childrens education.They are good teachers.They deserve respect, reward and commendation but no harassment for the fault of other teachers. Obviously,no teacher become non performing,no school become non-functioning without a political additive and negligence.Do they assure you that the new policy is a libral one and work without political involvement?I think nothing is advantageous than a strigent Selective Action against the default teachers and restore the defunct school.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 08:57:09 +0000

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