The telltale difference between mass cognitive dissonance and a - TopicsExpress


The telltale difference between mass cognitive dissonance and a paid internet troll, is that many trolls have generic or offensive usernames, no profile pic, a generic cartoon pic, a celebrity pic, and recently, some trolls are using an environmental icon, Guy Fawkes mask, kittens, and “common” first & last names (no doubt fake) to trick people into thinking they’re an “ally” (like “Kevin Schmidt” on youtube). They are easily recognizable if you click around and track their previous comments on other threads, you will see that they have attacked using the repetitive format, and frequently try to lure people to their disinformation sites, where they get compensated to engage them in a futile “debate”, waste people’s time and distract them from spending time increasing awareness in their local community, and doing REAL research on geoengineering. Don’t let the trolls bait you, lure you, or cause you to feel stupid for considering that geoengineering is a reality, because it’s just a ploy to suppress your awareness and they get PAID to do it. Keep watching the sky and research information beyond the fixed mainstream search engines. Watch the documentaries, Look Up! and What in the World are They Spraying?, take notes and look up the information presented (also notice the amount of trolls that attack those awareness videos)! The TRUTH is there for anyone that is intelligent enough to look past the deceit & lies. WHAT YOU CAN DO TO AVOID THE TROLLS 1) Never “reply to” them, (do not take the bait). 2) REPORT them, because what they’re doing is a form of cyber-BULLYING and SPAM. 3) On your page, DELETE their comments and BLOCK them. 4) Keep a list of known troll’s usernames that you have had contact with and publish it on your page to help expose their tactics and warn others to avoid the troll bait. Share this information to increase awareness and disempower their lies. Visit reputable sites such as WWW.GlobalSkywatch and for more information about how geoengineering adversely affects our health, and is damaging our planet’s ability to sustain life. Credible documentation irrefutably proving that geoengineering is a reality, can be found through Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America: Source. rebelsiren.wordpress/2014/01/22/dispelling-internet-disinformation-tactics-debunking-the-debunkers/ NEXT GLOBAL MARCH AGAINST CHEMTRAILS AND GEOENGINEERING - SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 27, 2014 - EVERYWHERE ! gmacag/ ╭⌒╮╭⌒╭⌒╮======== Barium salts are in chemtrails and they are 10,000 times more toxic to your nervous system then lead. - Dr Deagle,Military whistle blower. Facebook - https://facebook/GlobalMarchAgainstChemtrailsAndGeoengineering Website - globalmarchagainstchemtrailsandgeoengineering/ E-Mail - ProtestAgainstGeoengineering@gmail Twitter - https://twitter/MarchAgainstSRM Website - gmacag/ #Aerosols #Aerosol #AcidRain #Chembows #Chemtrails #ClimateChange #SRM #SAG #Geoengineering #HAARP #WeatherModification #Weather #Toxic #GMO #WeatherManipulation #Morgellons #Health #NWO #News #Aluminum #Barium #Strontium #GlobalMarch #GMACAG
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 00:04:46 +0000

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