☆☆☆♥♥{ The ten most kills sleeping habits - TopicsExpress


☆☆☆♥♥{ The ten most kills sleeping habits }♥♥☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆♥♥☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ★★★(body maintenance)★★★ ★★1, before going to bed, before going to bed angry angry angry, makes the heart beat faster, breathing, thinking, couldnt sleep. ★★2, Feast before going to bed before going to bed to overeat, gastrointestinal digestion, stomach filled with food will continue to stimulate the brain. Brain has excitement, people would not sleep peacefully, as TCM says stomach feud, lies unease. ★★3, bedtime tea tea contains caffeine and other substances, these substances can stimulate the central nervous system, an exciting, if the tea before going to bed, especially tea, central nervous system will be even more excited, making difficult to fall asleep. ★★4, strenuous exercise before going to bed, causes the nerve cells in the brain that controls muscle activity to render the excited state of the strong, the thrill in a short time will not calm down, people cant sleep. So, should try to keep your body calm before going to bed, but also wish to make some minor activity, such as walking. ★★5, pillows are too high from a physiological standpoint, pillows with 8~12 cm advisable. Too low and tends to stiff neck, or because of too much blood flow into the mind, causing the next day head engorgement, eyelid edema;, high impact airway clear, snoring, and long-term high pillow, neck discomfort or hunchback. ★★6, pillow and sleeping time pillow under his head with both hands, besides affecting blood circulation and upper extremity numbness caused by soreness, but still makes increased intra-abdominal pressure, over time will have reflux esophagitis. So, shouldnt hand as a pillow when you sleep. ★★7, the first Quilt to be masked and causes difficulty breathing; Meanwhile, inhaling their exhaled carbon dioxide, extremely prejudicial to health. Infants and young children should not be the case, otherwise a danger of suffocation. ★★8, mouth breathing closing night lying is the best way to maintain vitality, mouth breathing can not only absorb dust, and trachea, lungs and ribs can be easily stimulated by the cold air. The best breathing through my nose, nose hair can block some dust, nasal inhalation of cold air can be heated, good for your health. ★★9, the wind sleeps sleep reduced ability to adapt to environmental changes and easy cold sick. The ancients believed that long for all the wind, good deeds and good tune, although improper ambient wind and Crouching under the sauce. So a place should keep away from drafts, bed is a certain distance away from Windows, doors. ★★10, sitting and sleeping some people have enough to eat into the sofa for a while, turn on the TV a pot of tea, and comfortable enough. May be too tired, falls asleep watching television, which makes the second-largest hazard appeared! because sitting and sleeping makes heart rate slows, blood vessels expand, blood flow to the organs they will lose. ♥♥Coupled with the blood supply to the stomach digestion needs, thereby aggravating cerebral hypoxia, causing dizziness, tinnitus occurs.♥♥ ♥♥Some say rested at midday, who bring a quilt to the unit, looking for a place to stay with.♥♥ ☆♥♥ Thing is, but the body will protest.♥♥☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆♥♥☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ★★This textbook from the network is only for reference.★★ ★★Reproduced, please indicate the author, source and maintain complete.★★ https://Facebook/pegan.Tey
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 12:23:17 +0000

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