The tension between these two will never cease. The boy first - TopicsExpress


The tension between these two will never cease. The boy first entered his school and spent two years solely chasing after this one girl who simply treated him harshly whenever she thought possible. He was an idiot, he didnt truly understand what love was and only went after her because he found her attractive. He was love struck, a fool who became tempted and tried by her looks. She wasnt able to re-enter his school after those two years due to her not being able to get the grades to allow her to continue into her final two years of school. He arrived in that school at the start of that new year and began to search for her, but no matter how much he searched for her, he was never able to find her. He sought after a ghost, an afterimage of this girl who no longer existed in this school. It was then that he met the new girl. He instantly became bewitched by her appearance, but that wasnt the main reason. Throughout his entire life, he had never known what it was like to see a girl show kindness towards him. He fell for her kindness above anything else. All thoughts of the girl prior to this one had been erased, and the only girl on his mind was her. He made a decision at that point that he would attempt to stay close to this girl more so than he had ever done with anyone else in the past. He befriended her and would talk and hold conversations with her at any chance he got. Before long, these two became best friends who would flirt with one another at random points. But this was too good to last, of course. Many people had befriended her too and had fallen for her. All of them were fools who would do anything at a snap of her finger. But regardless of this, he was still the one that she held dearest to her. But he would never realize this, he would only become jealous towards the attention that all of these other males had given her. But not only that, he mainly became jealous over the fact that he treated everyone equally. He was given the title of her best friend so he felt like she had to treat him as if to say that he was better than the rest. His jealousy soon took the better of him and he soon began to drift away from her. He began to despise and hate this girl and everything that she would do there after. All of his anger became pent up and he would then simply burst out at the person closest to him. She became frightened of him. She was scared of him and soon began to think that he was a demon. She told him everything about her, all of her secrets and all of her insecurities. She began to realize that he had the possibility to destroy her emotionally and mentally. Then that day soon came about, the one argument that these two ever had. They argued and argued with each other, throwing out thoughts that they had been thinking about one another. He was consumed by his rage and jealousy that he began to beat her emotionally. She was so scared and frightened that she did the same to him. The argument ended, both never to speak or interact with one another again. They both still attend this school, they are both still in the same year and friendship group as one another. Only now, neither of them will look at each other or even make any kind of communication. He regrets his actions, but he feels that it has gone too far for him to do anything about this and so will stay in this state of tension between each of them. He regrets it, he misses her and wants her back. But he has convinced himself that she hates him completely. So, their tension will never cease to exist.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 20:04:53 +0000

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