The text for this morning meditation is the gospel according to St - TopicsExpress


The text for this morning meditation is the gospel according to St Matthew chapter 13, verses 44-46. The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it. The theme for this morning meditation is: THIRSTING FOR THE ENDURING Treasure in this context refers to precious, valuable, durable and very important material that is highly cherished, honored and presentable in the presence of people. In the text read, the Gospel of St Mathew chapter 13 verses 44 following contain the three of the set of the seven parables that Mathew placed in the centre of his gospel. The first two about the treasure in the field and the pearl of great price, tell us about the inestimable value of the kingdom. The third one about the drag-net tell us about the great diversity of its makeup. Three aspects of God’s kingdom are highlighted in these parables: 1) The necessity of recognizing its ultimate value. 2) The necessity of responding with total commitment upon recognition of its presence, And thirdly the possibility of rejecting the eternal life that it brings. The disciples had given up everything that previously defined their lives, their livelihoods, their homes and their family to follow an Itinerant rabbi who they believed to be the long-awaited Messiah. Mark 1:16-20. The man who discovered the buried treasure sold everything he possessed to acquire it. The merchant, too, sold all he had to buy the exquisite pearl that far surpassed any he had ever seen before. Each man’s response to his discovery was the same: recognizing their finding to be of inestimable worth, they sacrificed whatever was necessary to make it their own. These parables teaches us that the kingdom of heaven is so desirable and precious that a person must sacrifice everything in order to obtain it, This most desirable hidden treasure is Jesus Himself, He is the kingdom of God, Heaven is nothing more and nothing less than a relationship with Jesus, and to discern what fits with the kingdom. Following Jesus required total surrender and commitment, Mathew 16:24-26, it also required an unwavering faith that the kingdom Jesus was inaugurating was truly the pearl of great price. Through these parables, Jesus is re-assuring us that whatever we might have given up could not be compared with what He would give us in return. (Luke 18:29-30) It’s not easy to make radical investment of ourselves in Christ, it require an act of faith to live single heartedly for Him, we may find ourselves at different stages in our journey, perhaps reluctant to sacrifice certain things in our lives, perhaps giving up something for a time only to take it back. We should know that there is everything to gain by persevering. And as we come joyfully recognize the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:8) But we must give everything we have in order to inherits the kingdom of God which is the enduring kingdom we are talking about, and as u do, d Lord will bless u in Jesus name, even as we are celebrating d coming of Jesus Christ our messiah, we should know dat He will come again for d faithful ones, are u one of d faithful? Examine ur self, Jesus is coming very soon, if He comes will u be rapturable with Him?
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 06:22:10 +0000

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