The the Voynic Manuscript is a gardneners handbook and the script - TopicsExpress


The the Voynic Manuscript is a gardneners handbook and the script is in signs and symbols. The symbols represent flora forms and are written in a numeric pictographic format. I dont know if this is ever been seen before but that is the bases of it..The signs represent seeds , tubers, bulbs, buds, flowers, leaves,branches,trees etc. There has been a lot of colour coding for the flora forms but this has faded over the past 400 years. There are 25 basic signs representing 25 different t flora forms in a column on page 49. This story is a load of hogwash, the man was not a gardnener. Two years ago, an Englishman named Gordon Rugg slipped back in time. Night after night he spread his papers on the kitchen table once his children had gone to bed. Working on faux parchment with a steel-nibbed calligraphic pen, he scribbled a strange, unidentifiable, vaguely medieval script. Transliterated into the Roman alphabet, some of the words read: qopchedy qokedydy qokoloky qokeedy qokedy shedy. As he wrote, he struggled to get inside the mind of the person who had first scrawled this incomprehensible text some 400 years ago. By day, Rugg, a 48-year-old psychologist, teaches in the computer science department of Keele University, near Manchester, England. By night, as an intellectual exercise, he has been researching one of the worlds great oddities: the Voynich manuscript, a hand-lettered book written in an unknown code that has frustrated cryptographers since its discovery in an Italian villa in 1912. How impregnable is the Voynich? During World War II, US Army code breakers - the guys who blew away Nazi ciphers - grappled with the manuscript in their spare time and came up empty. Since then, decoding the books contents has become an obsession for geeks and puzzle nuts everywhere. Then came Rugg. In three months, he cooked up the most persuasive explanation yet for the 234-page text: Sorry, folks, there is no code - its a hoax! It is not a
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 21:16:20 +0000

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