The theme for this year so far for me seems to be Freedom. What - TopicsExpress


The theme for this year so far for me seems to be Freedom. What does freedom mean? In the dictionary it is thus: freedom |ˈfriːdəm| noun [ mass noun ] 1 the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants: we do have some freedom of choice | [ count noun ] : he talked of revoking some of the freedoms. • absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government: he was a champion of Irish freedom. • the power of self-determination attributed to the will; the quality of being independent of fate or necessity. 2 the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved: the shark thrashed its way to freedom. • the state of being unrestricted and able to move easily: the shorts have a side split for freedom of movement. • unrestricted use of something: the dog has the freedom of the house when we are out. 3 (freedom from) the state of not being subject to or affected by (something undesirable): government policies to achieve freedom from want. 4 (the freedom of ——) Brit. a special privilege or right of access, especially that of full citizenship of a city granted to a public figure as an honour: he accepted the freedom of the City of Glasgow. 5 archaic familiarity or openness in speech or behaviour. So I feel this all applies to so many things and aspects around me. What I wish for you all, this 2015, both people and animals alike, is freedom. Be that from actaul confinement or emotional confinement. I wish that....I will fight for that, for you and for them, break down the barriers, use your voice, free your mind! xxx #tweet4dolphins #peacetothebigblue #empththetanks
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 10:53:08 +0000

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