The theme of giving thanks has been prevalent in my mind these - TopicsExpress


The theme of giving thanks has been prevalent in my mind these past few weeks. Today, I want to give up even more thanks and say Happy 5th anniversary to MNI Alive Media! Yes, it was five years ago today that the very first incarnation of MNI Alive went live as a mere blog. We began back then with an idea and a long-held dream, posting only one article per week on Fridays only. MNI Alive came to reality on the back of an ambition I had as a teenager growing up humbly in Windy Hill, and a reasoning I had with the Most High Spirit back then also. There were only two things that excited me, becoming a pilot ( I still have a fascination with or becoming the next Bernard Shaw; a journalist on CNN who as a young man I grew to appreciate and respect. I have always had a passion in me for the development of people and the impact of politics and policy on peoples lives, from that early age. My politics is not just come. Now this is what we do full time. MNI Alive has gone through many challenges and changes, but one thing we have never lost sight of was purpose and focus. I am deeply passionate about what we do here at MNI Alive and there is not a single day that I take the tasks we perform for granted. Mediocrity irks me. Unreliability too. The mission, as I told my business partners was to build a brand, so with that brand certain key associations were formulated and fostered daily. We have faced challenges from all angles. Many. Even some politicians and their cheerleading gangs have sought to spread lies and hamper this business. (yes we know of their untruths and the ways in which they have sought to dampen our progress) It is multiple hours of focused work that has gone into building this brand and this media outlet into what we are today. The work continues, for enshrined in our business model here at MNI Alive, is that we are always strategising on avenues to grow and expand. There is only one thing I have ever asked The Eternal Spirit and our ancestors who have gone before for; not riches, nor fame, nor universal acceptance of what we do here at MNI Alive. Rather, I pray and ask for two things - guidance and protection on this journey. MNI Alive has been blessed with the brilliant minds of Donovan Izilein & Theo Semper on board as business partners. Great people! To those who helped from the start, bless you too, and a heartfelt thanks to you also. To all those who read MNI Alives media outlet, mnialive, we say thank you. Keep reading, keep sharing, keep tweeting, keep re-tweeting, keep debating, keep on recommending. We operate a modern day media operation, with technology, social media and a profound work ethic at our core. The mercies of the Eternal Spirit will see us all to the destinations we all endeavour towards in this life. Thank You all who have contributed over these last five years!
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 12:29:29 +0000

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