The theme of letting go has been showing up in my world left and - TopicsExpress


The theme of letting go has been showing up in my world left and right. In my own experience, and I know many others as well. I have ruminated on it- on why it feels so terrifying sometimes. Why is the illusion of control so alluring, even as we sit in the heart of struggle and discomfort when looking at things in our lives that ask for release? What I have discovered is that letting go is simply the practice of full presence. Its about being in partnership with the moment without want or need, just harmonizing with all that is in and around you at that moment, as well as living in faith, and for many of us, getting this close to our own experience seems intimidating. And unfortunately, so many of us have been taught to feel afraid. Like we are lacking. Not good enough, not safe enough, not supported, by Life at large. But I have discovered that when I can and do practice full presence- I am experiencing life in the sweet spot, the place where magic lives, where clarity is revealed, and true and free love is born. And this is true, whether the emotions showing up reflect to me I am living in a place of love or of fear. Being present with feelings creates a pathway for them to move through, and evolve- shift, change, and I grow and move forward. We cannot know a great many things. Life is a series of mysterious and wonder-filled events, as well as some that are just plain shitty and uncomfortable, too. When we let go, we are acknowledging how powerful and simultaneously, how small, we truly are in this world. We are not alone, and we dont do it all by ourselves. We cant. Its an impossibility. We need each other, the environment, birds, bees, animals, and trees, or we all crash and burn, ultimately. The fact that so many of us have tried, or continue to push through and go it alone is what has brought so much disharmony and turmoil to many of our lives, and our world at large. Letting go is a conscious act of co-creation. It is a humbled prayer and offering. It is celebration of this moment in time, a true rejoicing and/or graceful surrender as you move through the bounty and wonder of each moment. Its the action of living IN faith of the unfolding. All you need to know is that whatever you understand RIGHT NOW, is your answer. Your truth. Your experience. And that you can open, close, learn, listen, ask, receive, evolve, and/or course correct, ANYTIME. Know that if you speak freely, and softly, yet firmly, life will support you, even if you have to walk through a terrible fire to get to the new life on the other side. Your voice has purpose. Speak with clarity. Act with faith. BE love. If letting go feels terrifying, pull it all the way into your heart. Hold it here one last time. Look at it. Say thank you. For all that was and is, and then blow kisses to the wind with it, and feel yourself open to Great Mystery. The incredible, exciting unfolding of all that is. To letting go and leaning in, Lindsay
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 19:45:16 +0000

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