The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to - TopicsExpress


The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10 THOUGHTS ON TODAYS VERSE..... We are living in a very interesting time in history-the time period in which the Lord Jesus Christ will return to gather His Church and set up His kingdom on the earth. That may not seem like a reality to those who dont know Him, but for Believers who are walking in Gods love and His Word, it is the most exciting time we have ever known! Just by looking at the news reports and the current events around the world, it doesnt take a genius to realize that we are living in the Last Days. But before Jesus comes back to rapture the Church, God is going to pour out His glory in the earth, and Hes going to do it through you and me! The glory of God is His manifested presence. It is His tangible presence in our lives. The Bible describes the glory of God as a cloud, fire, rain, wind, thunder and sound, but it is also seen through prosperity and wealth-money, land and material possessions. God wants His children to claim what is rightfully theirs and become walking examples of His glory in the earth. Faith is the catalyst for you to experience Gods glory in your life. In addition, you must operate according to the Kingdom of God system, which is seedtime and harvest. If the glory of God is what you want to experience in abundance, then you will have to sow toward it. There will be plenty of opportunities for you to become distracted from what God has promised you in His Word. The devil will try to bring contrary circumstances, bad reports and negative thoughts to try and keep you from being a part of Gods glory storm. He knows when you walk in the glory of God, people will wonder how you became so blessed and will want to know about the God you serve when they see the benefits of being a Christian. Satan doesnt want that to happen, so he will attempt to plant the wrong seeds in your heart. Diligently guard your heart and mind from his suggestions and lies. You can experience the glory of God as you plant the seed of His Word in your heart. When overflow and abundance become evident in your life, you are demonstrating the glory of God! Jesus came so that you could have an abundant, overflowing life (John 10:10), and His glory is what constitutes that abundance! You dont have to live one day of your life in sickness, poverty, lack or oppression if you are a Believer. God wants to express Himself through you and glorify Himself in your life. Your heavenly Father wants you to have total life prosperity because it is evidence of His good works in your life. As a child of God, you are to walk in the light as He is in the light. When you are staying on the lit path of Gods Word, the glory of God will be right there drawing people to the Lord. They will see your life and desire to be like you. God will empower you to draw others to Christ through His love and through the influence that He gives you. This is another example of His glory. You dont have to wait for some major event to take place in order to walk in Gods glory; you can experience it right now. When you choose to abide in God and let His Word abide, or permanently dwell in you, the glory of God on your life will become evident. Choosing to stay vitally connected to God, walking in love and obeying Him at every turn are three of the biggest and best seeds you could ever sow in the kingdom of God. The stronger you become in faith and love, the brighter Gods glory will shine in your life. You can experience Gods glory in its many forms; you simply have to believe it. God has blessed you with the ability to get results in life and to witness His goodness to others. When you live a life that consistently reflects His abundance in every area, you are a true reflection of Gods glory in the earth. As Christians become expressions of Gods glory, we will become a mighty force in the earth against which Satan doesnt stand a chance! Are you ready for the glory?
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 10:41:52 +0000

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