The thing I find so intriguing about nature is its goodness. It - TopicsExpress


The thing I find so intriguing about nature is its goodness. It behaves out of necessity, not out of a seeking of comfort. It is brutal, yes, but nature is honest in its brutality. It does not hide behind a veil to make itself feel better. It does not pretend to be a certain way. It just is. Maybe it is our greed that is making us humans sick. When did our seeking of comfort lead to the destroying of something so pure as nature? When did we think putting animals in crowded places where they are mistreated and diseased so that we have meat on our tables at least 3 times a day is ok? We have more options for sustenance now. Where in our minds did we think it would be ok to capture another human being and make them work for us so we could become more comfortable? Yes, we ended slavery. Because we could identify with another human being. Score, a point for us! Maybe it is our pride that makes us sick. We are better than nature; we possess higher thinking. Is that why we decided that capturing animals and enclosing them in small spaces for our boredom viewing pleasure was ok? Its not. Elephants die slowly of a foot disease because they do not have adequate room to roam. Orcas cry when their young are taken to a different facility, away from them. Orcas develop mutant fins because of a lack of room to swim. Dogs are chained outside and caged because we do not have adequate time for them. Domestic animals sit in lonely shelters waiting to be adopted or killed because they have inconvenienced the human that bought them in the first place. It is not natural. And for what? For us to be able to see the wild creatures without the danger of the wild? For us to have our precious pets so that something will love us at the end of our productive day? Have we ever been something worthy of pride? Id like to think back in the caveman days we might have been. Back when it was kill or be killed. At least we had purpose: to live. Now we let others starve right in front of us as we drive home to our warm, spacious houses. Yes, weve been to the moon. How special, no animal could do that! But what does it really matter? Yes, we develop cures for disease. But maybe we deserve our disease. Maybe we cause our own disease. Maybe we are the disease. Substance after substance we ingest to sleep, to lose weight, to lessen anxiety, to numb, to stave off depression. But how is a substance going to strengthen our character? The day we would be worthy of pride is the day we put comfort aside and do the hard things. I realize there are people out there fighting for a difference. We are the minority for sure right now. Maybe it will make a difference. Maybe humans are not the disease in nature. Maybe we are evolving into a better species. But today, I have barely a shred of hope that this is the truth.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 16:56:53 +0000

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