The thing about love is, nothing is not it. Through forces - TopicsExpress


The thing about love is, nothing is not it. Through forces which allow atoms to express themselves, as molecules, to the cellular attraction, which allows cells to bind together, and create bodies..... to cosmic forces, allowing stars and planets alike, to create solar systems... to all that is, this moment. The unifying force which allows the universe to do its thing, is love. And a mind which chooses not to recognize this fundamental fabric of life - being love - is the same mind which fails to recognize itself, as an intirical expression, of love itself. Now when the word love is used, it seems to be more often than not attacthed (in a limiting sense) to intimacy, or to that of personal family bonds. Yet love is something to be, and can only be, realized, through the eye of the beholder; the I of awareness.... As it is realzed that there is no separation from self and world, in that that which I am, is that which world is, does one allow oneself, to experience reflections of love in all ways, always. Now why is love a word many feel apprehension, or fear towards, in simply discussing what its meaning is? As we learn to embrace, and love all that awareness could possibly entertain, do we give ourselves permission to experience love, for all aspects of ourselves. Mannn my heart feels so much for those who still choose to experience negative emotion - as this can only be birthed through confusion of what self, life, nature, and love, truly are. We are animals, and to embrace this feels so freeing in contrast to denying this....yet we are also much more. We have the potential to connect our lower animalistic chakras (i.e. needs, desires, etc.) to those of the higher chakras of spiritual wisdom and infinite fulfillment. We can be completed beings in human form (feel reincarnation, karma, and cycles).
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 17:35:51 +0000

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