The thing about our veterans is we will romanticize and make - TopicsExpress


The thing about our veterans is we will romanticize and make movies about them. But when it comes to caring for them after their service its another story. There will be another day I can post about how veterans get screwed and list the times their benefits were cut or ignored by both parties, and trust me that list is long and painful. Having said all that I cant see this movie. I just wont do it. In this interview Kyle talks about the savagery of the enemy. I dont doubt they were vicious in their attacks against American troops. We should be grateful he was there to save the lives of our military personnel when he was able to. But the fact of the matter is savage and vicious is all in the point of view. We invaded THEIR country and killed over 100,000+ civilians. How the hell were they supposed to act? In a kindly manner asking us politely to leave? They were fighting against an invader - us. We would do the same. I can imagine how vicious and savage I would be to people that invaded my country and not lose a wink of sleep over it. These people did NOTHING to us and suddenly we were there blowing up their country and killing their civilians. Our military is NOT responsible for that act as they were only doing their job. Our political leaders are the ones that get my ire, hatred and disgust for putting our military in a position to do the things they were trained to do: kill the enemy and when called upon to help those who cant defend themselves. Its that last part where we failed miserably. I dont have to post platitudes or patriotic bromides to honor our military personnel. I do that in private seeing the flag that draped my fathers casket at this funeral that not only honored him but those that served with him. This hand wringing over a movie that in the end will do NOTHING to fix the problem of giving our veterans the attention and action they need is obscene and a travesty. If Eastwood meant what he says then give the proceeds from his damn movie to the veterans families that are supposed to be honored. I wont hold my breath on that one. This other stuff does nothing when it comes to giving them the respect and honor they deserve through action instead of posting crap about Share if you support so and so and then go to bed at night feeling all smug about it. These men and women need help. They need action. I can honor them by calling for that and getting involved at the local level to try and make that happen as pitiful as my efforts might seem in the end. No going on a rah, rah jag and then wondering whats for dinner 15 seconds after its over. Sheesh. Once again hand wringing and distraction by people who think war is a movie or a video game instead of concentrating on what should really be done. What a surprise.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 21:49:14 +0000

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