The things that I believe Joe Flacco needs to work on as a - TopicsExpress


The things that I believe Joe Flacco needs to work on as a Quarterback for this seasons and seasons to come: 1) Pocket Awareness- be aware and feel the pressure comin from your blind side and when you feel that a play is over, just take the sack and eat it because the best play isnt always the most spectacular or great, its the most smart and common sense one. 2) Not Turning the Football over- cutting down on the interceptions. When a play is not there, do not force into traffic. Trust that a play is not there and throw it away. A completion is always the best play instead of a unnecessary turnover. 3) Being Mobile- Use your athletic ability more than your arm, use your ability and your 252 pound frame to show off your athleticism. You are more athletic than people give you credit for Joe. When you have a slight crease in the Defense or a crack take it and get what you can. 4) Dont trust too much in your arm- too much trust in your arm could lead to a bad stretch of mistakes and loses. Believe in your ability to know all I have to do is make the right plays at the right time and when called upon, be the clutch Joe Flacco that I believe I can be and that I have already proven that I am. 5) Believe in the audible that you call- believe that the play that you change is the play that is goin to win the football game in ans at the most crucial moments.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 23:03:00 +0000

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