The third chapter of I See Me in You Chapter Three Virginia, - TopicsExpress


The third chapter of I See Me in You Chapter Three Virginia, United States It was five o’clock in the afternoon when the plane landed in Virginia. For my first plane ride, it was scary. The plane made a loud noise as we went to take off and I panicked, thinking it was going to blow up. Dianne, the lady who was accompanying me for the flight, ensured me that everything was alright. I had to get the air sickness bag out in the first ten minutes of the flight. At least the food was better than the orphanage food. This was like a whole new experience for me. Travelling on a plane and going to a different country; things I never thought I will be doing. It was scary and exciting at the same time. The air turned cold as I exited the plane. This was why they advised me to take a jacket on board. I didn’t have many clothes but I was given some to help start my life over here. It was the start of spring here which meant the snow will have melted away. I didn’t mind. Snow would be cold and with my clothes supply, that was something I wouldn’t be able to handle. I walked into the arrival section of the airport to see masses of people. How was I supposed to find these people in a crowd like this? Especially when I didn’t know what they look like. I followed Dianne into the crowd, making sure I could see her at all times. My eyes caught a sign with my name of it. Holding the sign was a lady. She looked young with short, brown hair and blue eyes. She was standing next to a man with black hair and brown eyes. It wasn’t until I was closer to them when I noticed the lady’s face had grazes and bruises covering it. I froze. What happened to her? I looked at the man. Could he have done it? “Hello. Youse must be Kate and Zach Ridge,” Dianne said, extending her hand out. Kate and Zach both shook it. “This is Juliet. Juliet, this is Kate and Zach.” “Hello Juliet. It’s nice to meet you,” Kate said, extending her hand out. I just stared at it. I wasn’t going to touch it after only meeting these people ten seconds ago. No one said anything which made me feel uncomfortable. I didn’t say anything as I didn’t know what to say. “Well we might get going so you can have some time to settle in,” Kate said to me. They spoke to Dianne for a bit before receiving my luggage. That’s if you can call it that. It is only one bag. I followed them out of the airport and into the car parks. Virginia was so different than Australia. There was more green than brown and the weather was colder. But the only thing I cared about was that I was far away from my dad as I could be. Their car was a huge Ute that took me some effort to get into. I sat behind Kate, keeping my eyes on Zach as I didn’t trust him as much I did with Kate. I wanted to ask Kate about her face but I was scared that she would take it the wrong way and get angry. I had to be careful with everyone now because I didn’t know what they were like in this country. Things would be different. I didn’t notice the car was different until we left the airport. The driver’s seat was on the left hand side; not the right like in Australia. I panicked that he was driving on the wrong side of the road. I was scared that we would run into another car but driving on the other side of the road was another thing that they do differently over here. We were driving for a while. The buildings were dying down into paddocks and hills. I didn’t know how long it was going to be until we reach their home but all I knew was that I had to make sure nothing happen during now and then. Kate had asked a few questions like what my favourite colour was and what did I like doing. I only answered because I was afraid that they might get angry if I didn’t answer them. I felt more awkward as the drive went on for longer. The car did stop at a fuel station so they can refill the fuel. Kate passed me a bottle of juice from the front seat. My thirst overpowered me and my hand automatically reached out for it. I hadn’t tasted anything so good for a long time. We continued to drive for longer after that. I didn’t know how long it was going to be until we reach my new home. I was nervous and I didn’t know why. I shouldn’t be. I was far away from my dad. On-the-other-side-of-the-world away from him. I should be feeling great but for some reason, I wasn’t. I must have fallen asleep because the car had suddenly stopped. There were lights turned on outside of the car and Kate and Zach were getting out. I stayed where I was, not knowing what to do. “Welcome to your new home, Juliet.” A new home. I got out and observed the surroundings. It was hard to see as it was starting to get dark. I could see dark silhouettes in the distance walking. I held my breath, preparing for anything that could burst out. I tighten my jacket around me some more before following Kate to the house. It looked huge on the outside. There was a veranda out the front with hanging pots decorating the railing. The boards were painted white and the whole style of it made it feel welcoming. It made it easier for me to adjust to a new home. The inside felt the same. There were pictures on the walls of horses and people. I recognised Kate in one of them. The photo beside it caught my eye. It was of a girl and a horse, jumping over a log. The thing that intrigued me was the girl wasn’t holding onto the horse. Her arms were straight out in the air. “Do you like that photo?” I turned around to see Kate standing metres behind me. I nodded as words were not able to come out of my mouth. “I was twenty when that was taken. That’s my horse, Silver Lace. Also known as Lacy. You can meet her tomorrow. I’ll show you around the place and introduce you to some of the horses.” Me, meet some of the horses? That is going to nerve-whacking. Kate showed me around the house, leaving my bedroom to last. I was glad when I discovered my bedroom. Now I knew where I can run to whenever I needed to hide. My bedroom had a bed, of course, as well as drawers, a desk and a chair. I didn’t know why I needed a desk for. It wasn’t like I had any homework to do. Thinking of school made me wonder if I would have to go to school here. Are things different in America than they are in Australia? “Are you tired?” Now that Kate had mentioned it, I was feeling a bit drowsy. She left me alone and I got into the bed. The security of the blankets made me feel warm inside even if they weren’t familiar. I tried to think about what life will be like now. All I knew was that my dad wouldnt be able to hurt me anymore. The thoughts of what this new life will bring drifted me into a sleep. Kate took me outside the next day after breakfast. I was surprised with what was on the menu. Kate had placed a plate in front of me, laden with bacon, eggs and toast. I shoved them in my mouth, hunger taking over. I was aware that Kate was watching me with shock but my hunger was too powerful for me to control myself. “These buildings over here are the stables where we keep the horses that are in show,” she explained, pointing to a building that had horses and people walking in and out of it. We didn’t go into the building, which I was grateful for. There were horses everywhere. There was some being led by people while others were tied up with something on their back. A horse was walking past us with a girl leading it. She looked older than me with long, blonde hair. Her horse was huge and black. As they were walking past us, the horse made a noise. I screamed as it frightened me and it spooked, knocking the girl over onto the ground. She jumped up in a flash. “Don’t be scared. She was just saying hi,” Kate said as I watched the girl rub the horse while talking to it. Suddenly her eyes flashed to look at mine and I felt scared. “Don’t you know not to scream at a horse like that? I could’ve been hurt!” I didn’t like the yelling. I only made a mistake. This was my first time around horses and her yelling wasn’t helping with the adjusting of this new experience. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes but I tried to hold them back. “Britney, that’s enough. Juliet just got a fright. There’s no need to yell at her as this is her first time around horses.” “But still she shouldn’t scream!” “What do you think you’re doing now?” “Yea but-.” “That’s enough. Go on with your way.” Britney gave me a glare before walking away. Could this mean that if I make a mistake, I could be yelled at? I couldn’t have that happening. I always make mistakes. “Don’t worry about Britney. She’s just a bit moody. Come on. I’ll take you down to the paddocks.” She motioned me to follow her and I did, keeping a safe distance. “This is the paddock that we turn the horses out when they are ready to foal. Jasmine, the grey mare, is due to have her foal next week. You’ll be able to see a newborn foal. Wouldn’t that be exciting?” Her face was all smiles but I couldn’t force mine into one. I couldn’t be excited about something I didn’t know about. What did she mean, ready to foal? I only knew that a baby horse was called a foal. When we reached the fence, Kate made a noise all of a sudden. It frightened me, causing me to jump. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I’m just calling the horses. See, here they come now.” I looked up and saw a large group of giant horses running towards us. They were so huge and powerful-looking. I braced myself for them to run into me but they stopped in front of the fence, near Kate. “Would you like to pat one?” I was surprised. This was my chance of patting a horse for the first time. I wanted to have a try but I was scared that I would have my fingers bitten off in the process. I shook my head, the thought of having less than ten fingers frightening me. As Kate introduced the horse’s names and talked about their foals, my eyes gazed over them. Horses were more beautiful in real life than what they seemed to be in books. Their legs looked so powerful that they could run a fast pace. They looked so strong that one hit can knock someone down. But there was something about them that didn’t make them seem so dangerous. “Well, I’ll show you the other paddocks,” Kate said, interrupting my thoughts. I followed her, looking back the horses that were still standing by the gate. We stopped at a fence where a grey horse with white spots was grazing. It looked so beautiful that I wasn’t afraid of it. I had never seen a horse like that in a book. “This is my horse, Silver Lace; also known as Lacy. She’s the sweetest horse on this property. I can promise that she will never hurt you.” For some strange reason, I believed Kate. I could tell by the way the horse was towards her. Lacy was rubbing her head on Kate, who was laughing about it. I was confused. What was so funny about that? “Would you like to pat her?” This horse did seem gentler than the other horses and if Kate trusted her, maybe I could too. I slowly walked up to it, preparing myself to make a run for it if anything was to happen. Lacy stretched her head out closer to me, making me feel more cautious. My fingers were centimetres away from her. I was almost there. Going the last centimetre, my fingers touched her head. I gasped. Her face felt so smooth. I rubbed my hand up her face; just like what I saw Kate doing before. Wow. My first time patting a horse. It felt amazing and Lacy seemed so gentle. My fingers ran over her nose. I was aware of Kate watching me but I ignored it. This was my moment of bonding with a horse. I stared deep into Lacy’s eyes. They were so dark but somehow gentle. Suddenly a noise erupted through the silence, taking me out of my fantasy world. Lacy spooked, making a run for the other side of the paddock. I watched in shock as she ran around, kicking her back legs into the air a couple of times. So much for her being a quiet horse. But during the time I patted her, there was a strange feeling inside of me. It was so hard to explain but it came the moment I touched Lacy to the time she took off. “Sorry about that. Some of the boys are working on the tractor today. They must have fixed it already. Come on, I’ll show you the rest of the paddocks.” The rest of the day seemed like it dragged on. After showing me around, Kate left me alone to explore the house yard while she sorted some clients out. I stayed near the garden, keeping a look out for any danger. I knew I was being stupid but I couldn’t help it; I had to be on the lookout. Danger could be lurking from behind every rock. “Juliet!” It was Kate. Why did she need me? I got up slowly, preparing myself for anything that could happen. She was in front of the laundry sink, washing what looked like long bandages. Why did she need them? “I’m sorry for having to ask you this but are you able to help me out here? I really needed these leg wraps cleaned for Saturday.” I knew that there was a horse show happening on Saturday but why does she need leg wraps? Didn’t the horses do the running? She just showed me what I had to do and I set onto the job quickly. There was silence as the leg wraps got wash which allowed me to sink into my own thoughts. I thought about the show. Kate did tell me about it last night and from what she told me, it was going to be hectic getting the horses and riders ready. I didn’t want to go but I had to as there would be no one around here to look after me. “Besides, it will be fun,” Kate had said to me. I could only trust her word. I didn’t know what was going to happen. I went to bed early the night before the show. Kate had informed me that it was going to be a five o’clock start. I was woken during the night due to another nightmare. I was shaken up so much by it that it took me a while to go back to sleep. It only felt like I had just closed my eyes when I was woken up again but this time by Kate. “Juliet, it’s time to get up,” her voice whispered in my sleep. I groaned in response, wishing that I didn’t have to get up. Moving my tired body, I changed into my new clothes; jeans and a blue shirt with boots that Kate had bought for me. After brushing my hair and tying it back into a ponytail and putting on a jacket, I was ready. I walked into the kitchen where I had a bowl of cereal. Kate and some of the riders, that were riding today, were moving quickly around. I stayed where I was, sitting at the table, worried that I would get in the way. What felt like a very long time, Kate came in and told me we were ready to go. She was wearing tight pants, which I was told were called breeches, boots that went up to her knees and a blue polo shirt. I followed her outside, watching out for any horses, and climbed into the back of the car. We were on our way. I must have fallen asleep along the way or it was a very short drive as we arrived at the showgrounds in quick time. I stayed in the car while everyone ran around, carrying equipment and leading horses. The morning was still early and dew covered the grass. My eyes watched the riders around me. I didn’t know shows would be this busy and hectic. My eyes focused on the other horses and riders that were nearby. Each horse looked more majestic than the other but there was only one horse that I couldn’t take my eyes off. It was white as snow. No; ivory. It was like the world stopped around it. I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life. A lady, who must be its owner, was doing something with its tail. I really wanted to go over there and pat the horse but I didn’t know what the lady will do. I decided to just look and not touch. Kate’s voice pulled me out of my thoughts. They were so mixed up from thinking about the horse that I didn’t hear what she said. “Do you want anything?” It took me a second to think about what she was saying. “No thank you.” I returned my eyes back to the horse only to discover it was gone. My heart dropped. I wanted to see it one more time. Hopefully I can during the day. At five-past-eight, I went with Kate and some of the riders, including Britney, to the warm-up ring. Kate explained how it was important to warm a horse up before going out into the ring because it can affect its performance. The class was starting at nine. As the horses were going over the jumps, I had a quick look around for the white horse from before but there was no luck. I couldn’t see it anywhere. My eyes mistook a lot of white horses for it but none of them look majestic as the one I saw. A voice boomed over the loudspeaker, announcing that a class was starting. Kate and I left the riders and claimed our spots near the ring. I didn’t pay any attention to the noises or smells around me as my eyes watched the horses and riders. As I watched them fly over the jumps, I thought of how free they look. It was like they were flying through the air and their thoughts were drifting away. If I ever learnt how to ride, I would learn to jump as well so I could see if it really does feel like freedom. “Next in the ring is Britney Walker, riding her Trakehner mare, Delilah.” I watched as Britney entered the ring on Delilah. Delilah looked so beautiful, all glossy and elegant. Her steps look so graceful. My eyes were glued on them as they soared over the jumps. Britney look effortless, like as if Delilah was on auto-pilot. The crowd cheered as they cleared the last jump with metres to spare. I watched as they exited the ring, wishing that I could do what they had just done. Kate and I left our spots to congratulate the riders and go for lunch before returning to watch the other competitors. There was still no sign of the white horse anywhere. Maybe it was just my imagination or they could have already left the show. I watched as one competitor, riding a brown horse, soar over the jumps. They were approaching the last jump and as they flew over it, a pole knocked onto the ground. Kate had explained to me that they lose points for any knockdowns and refusals. I had seen only a few knockdowns and refusals. Otherwise, everyone was riding clear rounds. After watching the horse and rider leave the ring, my eyes turned to the pair that was entering the ring and my body froze. It was the white horse. I knew it was as no other white horse has looked that majestic today. The bell rang, signalling for them to start. As I watched it quicken its pace, it was like my breathing had stopped and everything else in the world froze. As I watched it soar over the first jump, all of the other horses that I had seen jumping now looked sloppy. “That horse is so beautiful,” I said out loud. “That is an American Warmblood. They are very common in the show ring,” Kate explained, as I watched it fly over the next jump. I didn’t care if it was American, Australian, Warmblood or Coldblood; it was beautiful. As it approached the last jump, I prepared myself to applaud. This was the only horse I would applaud for. Suddenly, just it was about to jump, the horse stopped. I was shocked. The rider turned it away from the jump before directing the horse back towards it. Maybe the second time it will jump. Second time wasn’t good. As the rider turn it around again, I wasn’t sure about it because I was sitting far away but her face didn’t look happy. I held my breath again as they approached the jump again and crossed my fingers. I never thought I would want a horse to jump a jump this bad. Instead of jumping or stopping just in front of the jump, the horse bumped into it, causing the poles to fall down. A bell rang, making me confused. “Why did the bell ring?” I asked Kate. “When a horse refuses any jump three times during the course, they are eliminated.” Yells burst out from the crowd and I looked back at the horse, only to be shocked to see what was happening. The rider was standing on the ground near the horse and she was hitting it with what-look-like a long stick. I could see that the horse was scared but I didn’t focus on it too long as my thoughts took over my sight. Visions of what my dad has done in the past came to my mind and I started to panic. My breathing became faster and my body started to shake. The shrills from the horse filled the air. I watched as people rushed into the ring. The horse reared up. I couldn’t take it anymore. Shrills erupted into the air. I had to get away. I made a run for it, away from the horse’s shrills, everyone’s shouts and Kate’s voice calling out my name.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 21:13:27 +0000

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