The third issue of the ME Global Chronicle. I want to draw your - TopicsExpress


The third issue of the ME Global Chronicle. I want to draw your special attention to Joanne (not her real name, for her protection), the German Karina. Pages 10 through 13. PLEASE SHARE WIDELY! Please help by donating to save Joannes life. Joanne a 14-year girl with very severe ME whose human rights are being trampled upon by the German authorities. Her life is at risk. Joanne is held hostage in a German hospital (much like Justina Pelletier) where she is being tube-fed. She cannot roll over in bed herself or stand. She is treated very harshly by the medical professionals, yelled at, exposed to sensory overload (bright light, loud noise, etc). She is forced to do physiotherapy (GET). All of this has made her much worse and she is suffering tremendously. The doctors treating her have never treated a case of severe ME before and they dont believe she could be as sick as she is. They claim she has improved when she was clearly doing much better under the care of her mother. The doctors arrogance and inability to admit to having made a mistake may cost Joannes life. Joannes mothers custody rights have been terminated (instigated by German child protective services and her uncaring father), presumably based on a charge of Munchhausen by Proxy despite Nigel Speights tireless involvement. The judge didnt even consider Nigels expert opinion that MBP is not at play. The mother is limited to visitation for 30 minutes a day despite Joanne desperately wanting to spend more time with her mom and wanting to go home to her mom. Instead, custody was awarded to her dad (The end game seems to be to put her into foster care.). The case is absolutely heartbreaking. Please read the entire summary in the linked-to document (starting on page 10), but here are some of Joannes desperate pleas to her mother: “Mummi, I can’t go on any longer without you, I feel so bad, I can’t go on any longer, you have to come back to me and save me and help me, I can’t go on any longer. Please help me!” Or: „When will you get me out of here? They are going to kill me here!“ If you can, please DONATE to help cover the attorneys fees and Nigels travel costs for the appeal. Info about donations on page 13. THANK YOU! https://dl.dropboxusercontent/u/25307104/The%20ME%20Global%20Chronicle%20-%20%23%203%20-%2020140327.pdf
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 18:03:32 +0000

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