The three Haiti questions all Haitians and world citizens should - TopicsExpress


The three Haiti questions all Haitians and world citizens should have an answer for: 1. QUESTION: What’s so important in Haiti that the US would built its fourth largest embassy in the world there, while funding a UN proxy occupation force for 11-years now? During the period since US-led regime change in 2004, the US managed to build, in “corrupt” and “resource-less” Haiti, the largest US Embassy in the Western Hemisphere and the 4th largest US Embassy in the world after Afghanistan, China, Germany. Haiti homicide rate is 6.9 per 100,000. But the Dominican Republic has FOUR times more violence than Haiti at 25.0 per 100,000. Why is the UN not bringing stability to the more violent DR? Or, in Brazil, Detroit, Washington DC, Jamaica, Mexico, Bahamas – all with greater violence than Haiti? 2. QUESTION: Why is there a UN, Chapter 7 peace enforcement mission in Haiti for nearly 10 years? A country not at war, without a peace agreement to enforce and with less violence than most countries in the Western Hemisphere? 3. QUESTION: Haiti has trillions of dollars in natural resources – billions in gold, largest oil reserve, natural gas, iridium, copper, uranium, et al– why does Haiti need Obama/Bush/Clinton’s meager 41cent an hour sweatshop jobs or US charity (false aid of the poverty pimps) with so much of its own resources to develop the local economy? *** Haiti says no to this 2nd US occupation of Haiti behind UN mercenary guns, their PMSCs and mock elections. Haitians are demanding and battling for 1. an end to the US occupation and the Ferguson-like militarized police 2. Saying NO to mock elections 2. demanding justice for the cholera victims and 3. demanding an end to Haiti membership in the criminal UN organization in those placards. For the truth about the majority Haiti voice against US-imposed cholera democracy and the return to Duvalierist dictatorship with Martelly-Lamothe, See Open Letter From Haiti Human Right Activists to US Congress: No to Sham Elections and US Occupation at ezilidanto/zili/2014/10/sham-elections-us-occupation/ and The US financed UN-MINUSTAH mission in Haiti is Americas AFRICOM in the Western Hemisphere -- The US-leads a quiet genocide in Haiti and the international press is complicit in American imperialism and resource pillage. It represents corporate interests in Haiti and the international governments serving the corporate interests of the few families ruling the planet. Haitians are being warehoused in prisons, denied basic rights under this 2nd US occupation behind mock elections and UN hired guns and PMSCs. Haitians like Jean Lamy Maltunes, the Vice President of KOPI protesting the landgrab at Ile a Vache is in prison suffering DIRECTLY due to the international silence about the US occupation. But the press, that is, the media industrial complex, is not the only one complicit. So is the charitable industrial complex (the poverty pimps masturbating on Black pain led by Dr. Paul Farmer as the State Dept/big pharmas useful idiot); the human rights industrial complex, and the 11 countries in Latin America who take part in the US colonial army called MINUSTAH, as well as the colonized AU countries. Jean Lamy Maltunes and other Haiti political prisoners are warehoused in prison, directly, because of Venezuelan, Cuba, the Caribbean & Latin Americas refusal to condemn the US occupation and its privatization of public wealth from the poor to the wealthy.... Silence is complicity. Silence to the on-going international crimes in Haiti is obstruction of justice and accessory before and after the fact to the gross and genocidal criminal activities against the people of Haiti. Heres the truth, racism and indifference to Haiti suffering and death hides: Haiti is Americas Gaza. The US is the respondiat superior that took out Haiti democracy, put in the UN colonial army that brought in cholera, and the colonial hero/villain pathology that is play acting democracy and charity with the NGOs and the human rights industry= African exploitation, death, resource pillage and re-enslavement. NOT justice for victims of American imperialism or cholera. See, The Quiet Genocide in Haiti. How it is wielded from From Franklin Delano Roosevelt to Barack Obama: The United Nations, a criminal organization from Lumumba to Aristide by Ezili Dantò, HLLN/Free Haiti Movement at
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 16:41:20 +0000

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