The time for Suddenlies, Fulfillment and Angelic Activity! I - TopicsExpress


The time for Suddenlies, Fulfillment and Angelic Activity! I foretold the former things long ago, my mouth announced them and I made them known; then suddenly I acted, and they came to pass. Isaiah 48:3 NIV Each year prophetic people everywhere set aside time to focus in on hearing what the Lord wants to say to His people for the upcoming season of time. It is not necessarily about what God will do during a 365 day cycle of a calendar year, but rather about a certain emphasis of the Holy Spirit for any given season. Different prophetic voices will frame what they are sensing in short, easy to remember phrases that may sound different, however, as time progresses we often see how each word has a significant part to play in the plans and purposes of God. The purpose of sharing a prophetic word at the beginning of a calendar year, whether the Hebraic Calendar or the Gregorian calendar, is to hear what God is saying so that we might focus our faith and raise our expectations to see God move on our behalf in the days ahead. A Time of Fulfillment, Celebration and Angelic Action This year I believe we are going to see fulfillment and completion of prophetic words which have been released in previous seasons of time. It will be a time of celebration and rejoicing! It is a time to see an alignment of anointing from the last several years come together with a synergistic effect of power, purpose and prosperity just as we have been believing and praying for. Just as the above scripture says, God may have spoken things a while ago, but suddenly He acts and things come to pass! This is that time! Angels are actively moving about even now to bring us to the right place at the right time to see heaven’s results! The angel armies are assembled to push back our enemies and pull us in to God’s victory! We must tune our ears to the voice of God this year as never before to assure we are walking in alignment with heaven’s purpose and be willing to be mobilized to pray as never before. I Corinthians 13:1 tells us “Though I speak in the tongues of men and of angels” ….I have come to believe that when we are praying in tongues angels are attracted to the sound! They listening for their assignments from heaven to go out and work on our behalf. When we speak the language of the Spirit they are receiving marching orders for people, churches, territories and even nations. With this increased revelation about what happens when we pray in the Holy Ghost, we should all press in to a greater experience of the presence of the Lord and the mobilizing of angels on our behalf through the exercise of this gift. At Christian International, our staff devotes one hour a day to praying in the Spirit and one full 24 hour period on the first day of each month to do nothing but charge the atmosphere by praying in tongues. All over the world churches have joined us by selecting a day each month to pray in shifts to cover a 24 hour period. It produces a reservoir of power that we will use in the times to come. When speaking about a time of fulfillment I want to share what the Lord has spoken to me at the beginning of each year over the past few years. In 2012 God showed me it was a time for God to unlock and open the vaults of heaven. He said he was dealing with the Prince of Persia who has been sent into the earth to withstand and hinder God’s restoration purposes. He said He was breaking the Church out of cycles of frustration that comes from delay and disappointment as found in Ezra 4 and breaking the decrees of the enemy over our lives. In 2013 God spoke that it was a Turn Around Year and a time of Double Portion Fruitfulness. In fact we had double the rain in our area that year, and farmers all over the nation reported a bumper crop year! That year He also showed me how the spirit of robbery had been stealing from the people of God and how many times we were just accepting the destruction by Ho,ding a mentality that This is just life! No, its not just life! There is a destroyer who wants to rob, kill and destroy! We have the right to demand back at least a double portion of what he has taken! (Ex. 22:7, Is. 61:7, Zech. 9:11-12). God has decreed Double for Your Trouble! In 2014, the Year of Double Portion, He also told me it was the Time of the Quantum Leap, which speaks about the suddenlies of God breaking forth and taking us to new levels of the supernatural. I will share more on each of these in the days ahead to show that we are now in the time of seeing these things come into alignment for fulfillment in 2015 and beyond. Many Blessings in Christ & Stay tuned! (If you received this post through a friend, please hit like on my public page. Do not friend request me but rather connect with me on my public page which is where I post the things the Lord has shown me.).
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 03:42:11 +0000

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