The time for change is now. Weve now come to an age of critical - TopicsExpress


The time for change is now. Weve now come to an age of critical thinking and self illumination. We are transitioning out of the Age of Pisces, into the New Age of Aquarius. The time for war is over. We have been forced to endure the control of those who would seek to suppress and manipulate our free will and utilize the energy of our Light Source, to meet their selfish earthly desires. We were never created in the image of a slave. Every form of text states we are created in the image of the Oneness to which we all are. We were always meant to break free from this control. The dead sea scrolls, various cultural beliefs, religious texts, even the Bible all point to the same truth; in this now, we have reached the turning point of this dimension, and we who are of the ground crew of the Galactic Federation of Light, are all finally waking up. This generation will ensure this transition. We must resonate in frequency with our Prime Source. We must work in unity to take back what is rightfully ours. Let us not fight for this failed society; let us not fight for Babylon the Great, because it was always destined to fall. We stand against our tyrannical leaders, to gain what is truly ours; freedom. But let us not ever forget this. Let us always remember why we are doing this, and live in peace with eachother. This is an age destined for greatness. We are transcending in this now, Ascension is the gift of the New Age of Aquarius. We must embrace the change that we are undergoing, even now, with Positivity. Those with the negative intent in mind, remember that as beings of light, connected to our Prime Source of Oneness, it is within our innate ability to manifest realities based on the energy frequencies we put forth. Dont allow youselves to suffer the negative frequencies of a lower vibration of existence. Dont allow yourselves to live the same Ego Conciousness that our tyrannical government has trained the same authorities that police us, to live by. We are the second coming of the Christ; the Christ-Consciousness that the masses are waking up to. Be aware of the energies you put forth. And to the oppressing Tyrant that is the United States Government. Youve had your fun, but we will no longer allow your control. The constitution this country was founded on states that it is up to the People to overthrow ANY oppressing government. You cannot pass false laws, you cannt tax us with representation, you cannot force us to lay down our arms and sign away to your banking systems and force the impoverished to support the rich. We are done with the bullshit. We are Legion. We are the Galactic Federation of Light. Let it never be said that we did nothing. Expect change; we will have our freedom. Expect a bright and beautiful future full of light, love, and unity. Expect us. Peace, Namasté, and Vivã la Revolutìon.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 00:38:58 +0000

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