The time is Now I began to imagine I am the righteousness of God. - TopicsExpress


The time is Now I began to imagine I am the righteousness of God. I began to speak out loud that I am healed, called to his purpose, and anointed to minister this “Good News” to everyone I encounter; and I knew God was pleased. There is power in agreement and when our judgment of ourselves is in agreement with the truth, through faith we understand that our worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. Heb 11:3 The suspension of recognizing the fullness of times has been a thief in our thinking because we have chosen doctrines over hearing by faith and it is impossible to please God without faith. God chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love. He purposed with desire for us to know the mystery of His will “thy Kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven!” We have believed that someday, in the future, one of these days, in the great by and by, and soon and very soon we are going to come upon an end of something so we can see the beginning of something new! We ignore words such as “made known, hath, has, and already, and we fail to recognize the words that were spoken are not in our future but in our “now.” Discovering the mystery of Christ in all is foundational in understanding it was God himself who set us apart and made us holy. We are not holy because of anything we do but we are holy because God chose to dwell within us. We now give God an address and when we war against each other we cannot complete or mature the body of Christ. When differences cause us to separate the body of Christ by our opinions of good and evil instead of acknowledging we ourselves possess both of these characteristics; we have a spirit of Anti-Christ. Our carnal nature and will is stronger than our desire to recognize the Christ in all. Our flesh is enmity against God and this spirit will steal, kill, and destroy the abundant life Jesus came to give us. We are instructed to seek immortality for God is gathering together in one all things in Christ, both in heaven, and on earth. I encourage all of us to minister to ourselves and to come into agreement with the word, for he made us the righteousness of God. I speak healing, prosperity, and God’s favor in your life, be blessed, Gayle Scripture taken from Eph 1, Rom 2, and Col 1, Jhn 10.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 15:23:47 +0000

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