The time is ripe for germany to show its moral character and - TopicsExpress


The time is ripe for germany to show its moral character and invite our kashmiri artists on humanitarian grounds to germany so that our culture and heritage also reach there as they should direly apologise to all kashmiris for the havoc they created and the misfortunes we suffered becoz of them.germany should invest as much as it did for zubin mehta otherwise it is not hard to comprehend that germany is teaching india the same old tactics of killing which were invested during the time of hitler to kill jews. as zubin mehta had to face utter negligence from kashmiris this time ,he will be recognised as a murderer the other time he visits kashmir for the dead bodies of young boys he gifted us by shaking hands with the indian govt. #Alpha-54
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 09:15:06 +0000

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