The time will come for God’s plan to succeed. Be - TopicsExpress


The time will come for God’s plan to succeed. Be patient! Perhaps no other generation in the history of the world has encountered such confusing times. Although it looks like things are out of control, behind the scenes there is a God who has not surrendered His authority. For the time being, it may appear that he has abandoned this place we call earth. But be assured that God is in control. His sovereignty has never been compromised, and His will has never been thwarted. Whatever the Bible has established to be true can be otherwise. God did not create trash; the only trash in our universe is that which man has made. One thing clearly taught in the Scriptures is that everything God made in the vast universe He made with a divine purpose. Indeed, this is our Father’s world- although at the present time, the dust and filth of sin have made of it a moral and physical cesspool. In that day- when Christ returns in triumph, and the consummation of all things is reached – we will see clearly that everything God does has a purpose, flowing in full harmony with the eternity of God. We will also see that, in the eternal plan of God, there cannot be anybody that is not essential. From time to time, we all throw ourselves down and say, “I’m no good and I’m not necessary.” Then we will understand that no man is an accident or mistake. Every person is absolutely essential to the plan of God. All things stand now, the whole universe is in a state of incompleteness. There is a sense that we too are incomplete, like a half-built cathedral. This is the condition the world is in today, and it is the reason that when one trouble is settled, two other troubles pop up to take its place. Our world is like a mother with triplets. All three of them never sleep at the same time. As soon as one goes to sleep, the other two wake up. Maybe she get the two down to sleep, but there is always one who is going to be awake. Out in the world there is a sense of incompleteness. World War 1 was to be the war that ends all wats. Not long after World war 1, World war 2 broke out in Europe – and there has been fighting around this world ever since. When one political upheaval is settled, another one begins halfway around the world. The discord emphasizes the incompleteness of our world as it is. The eternal purpose of God is laid out before us, so vast that only God could think of it. This eternal purpose – this vast, eternal scheme of God – seems to us all mixed up. That is because, like vandals coming in on a construction job to upset things and throw things around, the devil is causing disarray while God is building His cathedral. But keep in mind that even the devil himself cannot stay the hand of God. He cannot prevent God from completing the cathedral that is in His mind. If we patient and trust in God Almighty and look to Jesus Christ, it will take shape one of these days under the wise hand of that great Architect and Builder. You will then see that things have been all the time moving toward the grand completion. We do not see it yet. Our understanding is faulty. At best, we are only seeing through a glass darkly. At worst, we are stone blind. On that final day, all things will be united and displayed in Jesus Christ, who, according to Scripture is heir of all things. This world belongs to Jesus Christ. It is He, and He alone, who makes sense of everything in this world. Take Christ out of the equation and the formula falls apart. It is Jesus Christ who makes God’s creation complete. We do not see now, because in our time, everything is out of place. Satan, for example, is out of place. He belongs in the Lake of Fire with all the other demons. But he is walking to and fro in the earth, accusing the brethren. Sinners are out of place as well. They belong with the devil in hell, but they are walking up and down the earth, beating their chests and thinking they are king of the world. They have no concept of their final destination. They do not fit in anywhere, because they have rejected the core of what humanity is all about: Jesus Christ. Sin has destroyed their ability to know their place in this world. Christ is also out of place. Right now, He is sitting on the father’s throne, sharing the throne with the Father and making intercession for you and me. Christ belongs on David’s throne as Ruler and King of the universe. One of these days, Christ will step out of eternity as He did once before – on His way to the cross – and will assume His rightful place on the throne of David. The Church is out of place. The Church belongs with her Bridegroom in the Father’s house. At present, she is scattered all over the world – struggling, praying, laboring and suffering for the cause of Jesus Christ. The Church should be ruling the world – and one day will do so – but now is being persecuted by that world. Men is out of place. Those who are in high positions do not always qualify for the job, and many times a very intelligent man of wisdom is doing some menial job. Too often, men and women are out of place in their own world. Then, if you will, Christians are out of place. We have been kicked around. We have to work hard and pray and then fall asleep because we worked all day – and despite our work and our prayers, things do not go right. We are struggling and wandering and we are just out of place. You belong to the Father’s house, but here you are in the devil’s house. You are in the world that the devil has temporarily taken over and besmirched. This is our Father’s world, but Satan has hijacked it for a period of time. If we can get Satan where he belongs, sinners where they belongs, our Lord where He belongs, Israel where she belongs, the church where she belongs, we would have that universal harmony after which the whole creation groans. This will happen only in Jesus Christ. The Living Word’s place in this world is to bring purpose to it and bring it together in absolute perfect harmony. The time is coming. The time is at hand. Only in the power of the Holy Spirit can we possibly live up to God’s expectation – and it is through the Holy Scripture s that the Holy Spirit empowers us to be all that God desires us to be. Jesus Christ is calling us to an infinite and eternal triumph of unity and harmony. The final restoration of all God’s creation ill be in Jesus Christ. We will understand our place in God’s universe when we understand the place of Christ – the Living Word – in our world today. ce
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 03:24:13 +0000

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