The time will come when further powerful changes take place within - TopicsExpress


The time will come when further powerful changes take place within the SOL system as the Suns nuclear fusions decrease. Indeed, the entire gravity field will not only become unmanageable and changed, but large-scale climatic changes will become the daily norm. These occurrences will inspire scientists to record performances because they will wish to find methods to counteract the Suns negative consequences. These consequences will manifest themselves far sooner than anticipated in fact, and contradict millennia-old, erroneous scientific assumptions. Only then will people correctly realize that the Sun is a dying celestial body and that, subsequently, the end of the SOL system will herewith be predetermined already. Nonetheless, the Sun will continue to exist another billion years, but by then it will be a dead star that will, ultimately, be swallowed up and destroyed by a Black Hole. Therefore, scientists will begin performing at feverish rates. In the process they will discover that the base for pi was miscalculated. By eliminating the error in pi, and correcting future computations based on pi, scientists and their amazing, highly developed technology will have the capability to make unimaginable energies accessible to the people of Earth. This will be accomplished through the terrestrials diversion and utilization of energies from Black Holes from within the Milky Way system. Scientists at this time, though, will still be unable to travel to the center of our galaxy to tap the existing Black Hole in that region. Still, it will be unnecessary to go to the center of our galaxy, at least at that particular time, for nearby objects will produce sufficient energy to serve Earths needs. This new energy source, in fact, the energy type itself, will enable terrestrials to develop new forms of space travel. In the wake and expansion of these developments, a travel and transportation factor becomes reality which, prior to 1995 and long into the future, had been called fantasy: Time travel. This discovery/invention, in turn, will enable Man to travel into both the past and the future, and as well into the vastness of the Universe, something that was hitherto impossible. In the aftermath of these events new human life forms will be discovered, without doubt, and humans of Earth will learn unfathomable information from these extraterrestrials, for these ETs will possess remarkably greater intelligence than the terrestrials. Developments in every field will progress rapidly and result in the creation of artificial, biological intelligences that will be utilized for the guidance and handling of all apparatuses, devices, electronics, machinery including flying craft and vehicles. By this time there will be no concern of these biological intelligences becoming independent to later endanger terrestrials as it will be the case with the robot people, who will no longer be of any use and be exterminated without further ado. The time will then come when all space stations and satellites orbiting the Earth, Mars and Venus will crash. This will be the result of the Suns ever decreasing activity having changed to such an extent that monumental gravitational changes of all planets will occur, even to the Sun itself. Scientists will be working at record levels to find solutions for the changes, but they will be unsuccessful. Yet, they will have success in as much as they will discover an incredibly important factor in the Creational formula. Thereafter another danger from space will threaten the terrestrial world, this time from the depths of the central Universe. The danger from this threat will become evident only much later, however. Prior to this event, terrestrial humans will place artificial suns into orbit around the Earth, albeit far beyond the customary distance.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 11:29:09 +0000

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