The time you spend growing and learning the ways of the world - TopicsExpress


The time you spend growing and learning the ways of the world should give you a better understanding regarding people, places and things, sometime these things don’t come as natural as the wind blowing nor the sun beating down on your face. There are people in this world ready and willing to make their lives and souls better by intimidating, lying, manipulating people into believing that their world is somewhat better than the one you are living in. We are all trying to find that perfect place. Your place in life may not be the place I’m directed to go. We meet people on an everyday basis and we allow ourselves to be involved with people and things visually. Your eyes are the gateway to your soul. We see things and people that we know are not the person or thing we need in our lives, but we continue without the proper knowledge of that individual or thing. I’ve seen a lot of things and have heard lots of claim of how they are the only one for you! But the idea is, are you ready to be that one for me? You may have all the qualities that life says we are supposed to have, but are you willing and ready to commit your life. The bible says a family that prays together stays together. Are you willing to be that person who will take on that one thing that a woman desire, LEADERSHIP? Because being a leader in this day and age is like royalty to me. I would love that king and absorb that king and call him exactly what he is a KING. As we get older we understand better what it is worth being a king/queen even if you are not royalty, you should be treated like kings and queens to balance out your self-esteem. Everyone has a perspective on how they want their life to be. When you have that idea, stick with it. You are the only one who has to live by those perspective and standards. The only two things that are true about humans are they are born and then they dye. The other outlook is how much preparing you do to learn about this universe and the people in it. In your search for peace, you have to search deep into your soul. You have to start asking yourself question that is inevitable to your lifestyle. It is alright to ask God to deliver you from your sins and it is even okay to ask God for what you want, but if you do not be sincere in your asking you will definitely fall short. Be specific in your asking and make sure what you are asking for is sincere. God give us exactly what we ask for. We all have some kind of struggle, addiction, depression or even the worse kind of confusion. We are not put on this earth to judge the next person. Our struggles are different and the test will tell later on in life. The universe is a broad place and absorbing knowledge sometime crowd my way of thinking. My conscious thinking let me stand back and allow people to show their true color, in other words their behavior whether it’s good or bad. People will show you their character every day in the way they walk, talk, how they carry themselves and even their work ethics. If you listen to them closely you can hear the ulterior motive of why they are in your life or even conversing with you. If a person tells you they don’t need you for nothing, believe them. But you should want to be wanted for something. If they don’t need you for anything, then what is my purpose for being in their life? When you start complaining about what life has granted you, asking yourself if you asked for it. Because God grants wishes, just hope it’s one that will last HAPPILY EVER AFTER
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 18:15:12 +0000

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