The title of the documentary linked below gives a false - TopicsExpress


The title of the documentary linked below gives a false impression, because humans are not descended from modern apes. This particular video is actually about how scientific thought developed concerning the origin of Man since the first Neanderthal skull was discovered in the 19th Century. There were many mistakes and false assumptions made along the way and each increment of understanding was met with resistance from those who did not want to have their comfort zones disturbed. Some will dishonestly say that scientists disagree on the very foundations of human development, but in reality, they only disagree about details. What they all agree upon is this: Modern apes and humans are descended from a common, primitive primate ancestor. Apes continued to develop from there, continuing their refinement and we humans developed on our own path. And the process continues. And to those who would ask, apes still here because they are well-adapted to their environments and have thus earned their right to remain here. The most primitive of life forms such as prokaryotic cells continue to exist. They all may indeed survive us if our technology continues to exceed our capacity to manage it as tyranny continues to dominate most of humanity and we continue to slaughter each other over what we do not understand. The genetic evidence is clear: We are related to, not descended from, apes. If you accept that DNA evidence can prove that someone was at a crime scene, then you have to also accept that human beings and all other species on this Earth are related to each other by blood. Some are more closely related than others. As primates, we are most closely related to those within the same biological Order. Because this is so does not mean that we are here by chance or by accident. Nor should it conflict with belief in God. The more I learn about Natural History and Cosmology -- how the Universe was created and functions, the vastness of time and space, how life was born and developed -- I see that we are part of something limitless and powerful. My faith has only been strengthened with this knowledge. Know this: if truth is your enemy, what you stand for is harmful to self and others.What we think we know should always be subject to revision and review with further information and the beauty of reason. I personally believe there were several Divine Interventions here on this planet, such as when Thea struck the early Earth and produced a Moon that steadies our orbit, creates the tides and slows down the rotation. The tilt, shape of our orbit around the Sun, the speed of travel, the magnetic field, etc. are all precisely balanced and vital to life. The reset button on life has been hit several times, such as when the majority of living things were wiped out at the beginning and end of the Mesozoic Era. I also am humble enough to understand that we are finite beings with limited capacity for knowledge and understanding and therefore should not pronounce judgment upon each others mortal souls -- and worse -- based upon what we believe about the Infinite.We are only beginning to understand just how tremendous creation is. How humans developed from earlier life forms is part of that wondrous chronicle. And how faith ties into this, Religion developed independently in every tribe on Earth. Our ancestors knew and accepted that what is real, good and true is externally generated. They appreciated life as a Blessing and understood that there is Order and Justice in the Universe -- and that we are invested in each others welfare in the now and in the world we leave behind in the future. If they did not, it is more than arguable that we would not be here. There is no record of any atheistic tribe surviving to leave progeny to this day. Religion was therefore vital then and is even more so today. How life developed and where we came from should not undermine our faith nor should it create division amongst each other. https://youtube/watch?v=Xe5hWrNix-w&feature=share
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 14:38:28 +0000

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