The title of the project: The International Festival of - TopicsExpress


The title of the project: The International Festival of Palestinian Films Target Audience: All the peoples of the world, of all races and beliefs Target Regions: all over the world The party in charge: Fonoun Palestinian Group In belief in the importance of Arts and their interactive role in raising public awareness of the diverse social, economic and political phenomena; and after realizing the importance phase that the Palestinians are going through with the international context, Fonoun group decided to take the initiative to concretise the idea of an “International Festival for Palestinian Films” after several factor of success have been prepared during two years of preparation, coordination and establishing a network of contacts that includes stars, artists ,poets, writers, media workers and elites of active and artistic youth in their respective countries along with a group of civic society organisations , unions and cultural centres spread over all the continents; all of the these are included in a comprehensive and detailed data basis. As far as Palestine is concerned, a data basis has been established and it includes large numbers of creative Palestinian youth, whether they were residents in Palestine, immigrants or refugees all over the world. Besides, many tournaments and free workshops were set in Gaza strip to enhance the capacities or respectful numbers of youth to invest them in helping the festival succeed with all its side activities and in connecting with the foundations and organisations inside and outside Palestine and ensuring the minimum logistic abilities to make the festival succeed locally and internationally. Equally important as the above mentioned accomplishments were commercialising initiatives in a number of countries. Posters were published in many countries namely Tunisia, Belgium, Russia and Brazil where posts were given to the crowds in and out of stadiums. Besides, there have been a coordination with some cinemas and an acquiring of license of shows in public places and some universities and so on.. The work has been conducted by a team that works 24/7 to ensure that this ceremony takes place as orderly and professionally as possible as the members of the juries of watching and assessment are made of Palestinian, Arab and foreign professional filmmakers, artists, followers and intellects. The foremost standards that will govern the working of the juries will primarily be authenticity, transparency, objectivity and high professionalism in the choice of films and in the organisation as well. Description of the festival: The idea of this festival can be considered a precedent in the history of international culture. It is to be held on a yearly basis, starting each week from a different country. It will, thus, be held in at least 50 countries from all continents for a span of ten days starting with an opening ceremony worthy of the greatness of the concept and the quality of the coming guests: stars, writers, poets, critics, media workers, representatives of international organisations and public figures of all nationalities. No less than 200 monitoring screens will be set in all participating countries, most of which will be in the crowded areas during the summer such as beaches and parks as well as cultural centres and cinemas. 3 to 4 films (both short and long) would be presented every day with an emphasis on that the festival starts every new season from a different country. It is worthy of note that he festival focuses on the depth of the artistic work away from all sorts of political conflicts for Art should be an emblem of Life and message of love and fellowship in humanity from Palestine to the world and vice versa. One cannot also ignore the fact that the year 2014 is the year of International solidarity with the Palestinian people, a decision approved by the majority of votes in the General Assembly of the United Nations. The International community –governments and NGOS- is requested to concretise this solidarity expressed in many festivities and activities and invest them positively in trying to guarantee the right of the Palestinian people to peace and Justice . This enhances the feelings of solidarity with the Palestinian people and foregrounds their just cause and legitimate rights for the world can tolerate that the Palestinian people remain denied of their rights of freedom and peaceful life. What distinguishes this activity is that there is a validation of a partnership between local and international institutions that serve a common purpose and enable everyone, whether individuals or groups, to partake in succeeding the festival. The side activities are equally important in this festival. They include experiments of directing by directors of each host country , organising seminars and meetings, workshops, lectures, art exhibitions and gallery photos as well as various Palestinian and international artefacts. The first edition, named after the immortal world-reputed poet Mahmoud Darwish, will attempt to present as many as possible of the cinematographic endeavours that tackle the Palestinian reality and the common human causes. 40 among the +100 Palestinian and international films ,which best meet the objectives of the festival, will be viewed by juries that include professional filmmakers, artists, followers and intellects, from Palestine and all over the world according to the standards of authenticity, transparency, objectivity and high professionalism. The objectives of the festival: The main objective: to assist the international decision makers in adopting a favourable attitude towards the causes of the Palestinian people. The specific objectives: 1. Promote public awareness of the causes and the human circumstances that the Palestinians undergo 2. Foreground the suffering of the Palestinians to the whole world 3. Present the truth about the Palestinian Cause and the Palestinian People 4. Concretise the International Year of Solidarity with The Palestinian People on the ground of reality 5. Attract the attention of the world through its ambassadors of artists and intellects who go to Palestine to see for themselves the real Palestinian conditions and then faithfully report them back to their own peoples 6. Create a state of interaction, familiarisation and communication between Palestinian artists and their foreign peers through establishing a local, regional and global cinema network with a view to exchanging experiences and expertises. 7. Encourage young and/or professional filmmakers and enable them to accomplish the best quality by providing a an international cultural platform for spreading cinematographic experiences that enhance human values 8. Promote intercultural dialogue and assert the sense of human rights in societies through directing Palestinian Cinema towards the cultures of nowadays 9. Illustrate the spirit of partnership and world collective work through coordinating between the multiple parties in the different countries of the festival.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 23:29:42 +0000

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