The tolerance within the body of Islam was, and is, something - TopicsExpress


The tolerance within the body of Islam was, and is, something without parallel in history; class and race and color ceasing altogether to be barriers. - Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall Whoever builds his faith exclusively on demonstrative proofs and deductive arguments, builds a faith on which it is impossible to rely. For he is affected by the negativities of constant objections. Certainty (al-yaqin) does not derive from the evidences of the mind but pours out from the depths of the heart. - Ibn Arabi Let not the vicissitude (of the success) of those who disbelieve, in the land, deceive thee (O Mohammad). It is but a brief comfort. And afterward their habitation will be hell, an ill abode. - Quran, Al-Imran: 196-7 O you who reproach me, regarding my love, excuse me. From me to you if you do justice, you would not reproach me. My state (of love) has been expressed to you, (now) my secret is no longer concealed. - From the Burda of Imam al Busiri Do not try to run away from trials and tribulations, but endure them with patience. They cannot be avioded, and there is nothing for it but to endure them with patience, How can you expect the whole of this world, and all that has been created therein, to undergo change and transformation just to suit your convenience? The Prophets are the best of all creatures, yet they have always had to suffer afflication and so it is for their followers, those who tread in their footsteps as they walk along their highway, emulating their example. - Muhyuddin Abdul Qadir Jilani Ikhlas is to forget the vision of creation by constantly looking at the Creator. - Abu Uthman I strike with chastisement whom I will, but my mercy embraces all things - Al Quran, 7: 156 And love your Lord by serving Him For lovers are but servants of the Beloved - a poet Ease and hardship are the feathers that give strength to the wings of your faith so that your heart and your innermost being can use them to fly to the door of your Lord, Almighty and Glorious is He. How can you lay claim to faith, when you have no patience at all. Surely you must have heard the saying of the prophet, peace and blessings be upon him patience is to faith, as the head is to the body. - Sheikh Abdul Qadir al Jilani [Jala Al Khawatir (Removal of Cares)] Allahs Generosity is connected to gratitude, and gratitude is linked to increase in His generosity. The generosity of Allah will not stop increasing unless the gratitude of the servant ceases - Ali ibn Abu Talib (radiAllahu anhu) Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are a good person is a little like expecting the bull not to attack you because youre a vegetarian. The death of the self lies in the life of the heart. - Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (rahimullah) Actions are but lifeless forms whose soul is the secret of sincerity in them - ibn Ataillah Whoever is sitting with friends is in the midst of a flower garden, though he may be in the fire. Whoever sits with an enemy is in the fire, even though he is in the midst of a garden. - Jalaluddin Rumi Mathnawi [IV, 1976-1978] This world in comparison with the world to come, is the same as if one of you were to put his finger in the ocean. Consider how much you would have when you pulled it out - Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) How can a sane man be conceited about his spiritual works, when his works are but a gift from Allah and a blessing from Him that he should thank Him for. - Abu Sulayman al-Darani [Nataij al-afkar, 1.114] The soul constantly cries out, tears constantly flow and the heart constantly breaks into pieces to be united with the Almighty and His Messenger, but the mind says who are you anyway your body is weak and you are full of fear. In my 39 years on this earth, the Holy city of Makkah had been the first time I had ever stood before the Creator of all and felt like a complete human being - El Hajj el Malik al-Shabbaz (Malcolm X) Peace of heart comes from a heart free of anxiety. Anxiety is caused by the weight of all that is material. Material weigh the heart down and prevent it from soaring. Soaring of the heart comes from remembering Allah (Taala) The relation of patience to iman is like the relation of the head to the body. If the head is chopped off, the body becomes useless.� Then he raised his voice and said: �Certainly, the one who has no patience has no iman, and patience is like a riding-beast that nevers gets tired - Ali ibn Abu Talib from Patience and Gratitude By Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah Arguing is a harsh way of dealing with differences. You will hardly ever find it mentioned in the Qur`an or Sunnah except that it is either censured, or qualified by the phrase, except in the best way. Nothing is difficult, if you seek it through your Lord; nothing is easy, if you seek it through your self. - Ibn Ataillah What you love to have with you in the hereafter, you should advance today, and what you hate to have with you, you should abandon today - Salman ibn Dinar
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 19:43:22 +0000

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