The tomorrow we clamoured yesterday is now here and the future we - TopicsExpress


The tomorrow we clamoured yesterday is now here and the future we dread is next CONFAB has started and the delegates are all supposedly on a big round table. They are gathered with the big thing at the center. Usually, when men of class and selected renowned persons are gathered, it is common saying that they are gathered to share the national cake. But at this most clamoured for yet more criticised confab, there is a big cake but this time it is one which the sharing can only be imagined than desired. This cake is no other but our national unity. Whether it is discussed or not, those at the confab must bare this salient truth in mind, what they are gathered for is not just a mere political conference, where anything can go and everybody can come out to tell the masses another lies. They have indeed gathered to keep or divided the cake, a decision which lies on their individual sincerity and collective integrity in the process. They also most keep in mind that there has never being in history formidable strength in the desire to divide but in the dare pursuit of unity. It is easier to travel through the line of divide than to strengthen the chord of unity. And from what we know, the latter is more worthy to be desired than the former, but the actualization is not without a price. They must talk with the price of unity in mind; they must talk with sincerity of focus. Every member must truly represent their community without any religious, language or ethnic bias. They should not forget that it will be a sad end if what should happen without the confab happens after the confab. I cannot end this piece without talking to us. Those of us who always believe everything is always wrong except they are done in our own ways. If there is any time we have to lend our voice to the process it is now. If there is any time to inspire the change we desire, its’ now. Lets us every available means, to tell or reps what they should talk about having the consideration of the other persons that make up the strength of our unity. And to the leadership, they should not think this is going to be one of those political tricks. You can enjoy toying with people every time but you cannot always get away with it. I can assure every one of us that this the tomorrow we clamoured for yesterday and the future we dread is next
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 18:37:43 +0000

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