The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it - TopicsExpress


The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Question: Can you think of a time when words have had a major impact on you or on those around you? My 13 year old daughter Hadiya Muhammad conducted an experiment. She filled 2 jars with tap water and labeled each one them with these words: love and hate. Then she place them in the kitchen at least twelve inches apart. Daily she would speak to each jar, one was blessed the other one was cursed. Two month later the jar that is label, I love you looks clear.. The jar that is label I hate you,looks brown, dirty and there are small particles that have formed in that water. Also the frequency of the word hate that is labeled on that jar changed colors as well from white to almost yellowish color.Our lesson learned is that we must be Christ-like with our words. Allah is really blessing us! Our Magazine Youth Creation was chosen at Children National Hospital in the healing dept. The children use our magazine to cut out positive words and then form them in the shape of rockets!!! All praises are due to Allah! We are the vanguard for social change in our community!!!! youthcreation.blogspot
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 19:25:09 +0000

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