The tournament announcer calls into the intercom system, Next up! - TopicsExpress


The tournament announcer calls into the intercom system, Next up! Lamont, a Freelance Saiyan with a Power Level of 22,688 -VERSUS- Matthew a Saiyan from the Royal House of Vegeta with a power level of 24,170! Will the fighters please enter the Arena! Lamont walks up, chest held high. Confident in himself, Heh, I get to fight a newbie. Matthew walks in, stretching slightly, Ah, I finally get to fight, thisll be good, I was getting bored watching them. A flash of light flickers around the arena. Hexagonal lines begin forming around the arena in the same of a dome. Between the shakes, energy begins to surge, transparent blue plates begin forming within the shapes. Lamont slowly slides down into a fighting stance, low, but hunches slightly forwards. In seeing this, Matthew sides his left foot back before putting his heads up, getting ready himself. As the dome finished forming over the fighters, the announcer calls for the match to begin. Matthew lunges forwards, locking his hands together, swinging at Lamont. Lamont moves to the side dodging the blow; Matthew moves with his swing, lifting both feet off of the ground throwing them at Lamont as he twists around. Lamont crosses his arms taking the blow, taking a few steps from the force of the blow. Matthew continues to spin, throwing his arm out firing a Beam out, landing right below Lamonts arms, striking him in the gut, knocking him off of his feet, sending him in his hands and knees. Lamont springs forwards throwing out a quick Jab, catching Matthew in the face; Matthew taking one step back from the hit. Lamont quickly throws his other first out, his fist passing through Matthews head as the fighter suddenly disappears. (Lamont took 149 dmg) (Matthew took 48 dmg) (Matthew 92% Hp. Lamont 79% Hp.) Lamont frantically looks around before turning back, swinging. An image of Matthew appears as he disappears again. Lamont disappears as well. Matthew reappears in the air, his head thrown to the side, dropping back slightly. Lamont reappearing, his arm out, full swing. Lamont Then disappears, reappearing in front of Matthew, thrusting his fist up to his chin, Matthew disappearing again, dodging the blow. Lamont looks around searching for Matthews power signature; Lamonts eyes widen as he crosses his arms, a wave soaring down over him slamming into him, blowing him back slightly, a tuft of smoke appearing in front of him. Suddenly, a beam of Ki pierces through the cloud of smoke slamming into Lamont, Lamont falling back towards the arena. Matthew rushes through the hole his beam cut through the smoke, his fist drawn back. Matthew swings forwards, Lamont still dazed by the last attack; Matthews fist flies through Lamonts face as the fighter disappears before impact. (53 dmg to Matthew) (150 dmg to Lamont) (Lamont 57% Hp) (Matthew 84% Hp) Matthew grits his teeth as he disappears as well. Lamont reappears flying down towards the arena, his back facing the ground. Matthew above him, his shoulder in Lamonts chest. Matthew stops in the air, Lamont continues to fly down. Matthew rushes down, both hands above his head. As Matthew swings down - Lamont quickly recovers, putting his hands out grabbing onto Matthews arms, springing around him. Matthew rolls around in the air, Holding one arm out, his other grasping his shoulder as he fires another beam up into the air, slamming into Lamont, knocking him further into the air, his shirt ripping off from the force of the blow. Lamont flips around once, as he comes around he throws one arm out blasting down at Matthew. Matthew disappears and reappears to the left of the explosion. Lamont throws his other arm out firing again slamming into Matthew knocking him down into the area floor. As Matthew bounces up, Lamont quickly charges Ki in both hands, firing down at Matthew with a massive explosion of Ki. The Blast hammers down over Matthew, shards of his clothing singing off of his body as he calls out in pain. (212 dmg to Lamont) (233 dmg to Matthew) (Matthew 47% Hp) (Lamont 27% Hp) Lamont hovers in the air, huffing and puffing. Matthew slowly gets to his feet, smoke rising up from all around him, coughing slightly. Lamont yells out as his aura kicks on around him before rocketing down at Matthew. Matthew kneels down slightly before shooting up at Lamont, the smoke around him swirling, the force of him flying sending a trail up after him. Both Lamont and Matthew slam their fist into one another, the force of which sending the smoke which trailed Matthew flying back to the arena floor - Both fighters disappearing. Theres a series of clashes int he sky, sporadic images of exchanges of blows appearing all over the area. The clashes steadily growing larger and larger while increasing in speed.... Suddenly theres a huge clash, both fighters appear, throwing backwards from the massive collide of power. Both fighters drops down, slamming into the arena before sliding backwards a few feet. Both fighters laying motionless. Matthew slowly sits up. Matthew then stands, with little trouble. Lamont lay on the ground, struggling to catch his breath, not moving at all. (Lamonts distraction- Fail) (Matthews distraction- Pass) (Lamont: 89% Sucessful, 16 Strikes; 135 dmg) (Matthew: 96% Successful, 17 Strikes; 217 dmg) (Matthew 25% Hp) (Lamont -4% Hp) The announcer somes onto the speakers, THE WINNER IS MATTHEW! Matthew raises his fist above his head before talking over to Lamont, offering his hand, Good match, here, lemme help you to the Vita Chamber. Lamont grits his teeth, Yeah.... but we should have rematch at some point... I must be off my game today, Id say you got lucky.... Matthew smirks, Yeah man, sure thing.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 06:02:19 +0000

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