The toxic socialist utopia that the dementocraps have was started - TopicsExpress


The toxic socialist utopia that the dementocraps have was started in the common core of the government’s public school system. It then grew into CNN, NBC, and MTV to make the American people fear guns. Typical socialist society! Doesn’t go away til you completely chop the dementocrap snake’s head clean off. A good liberal is a DEAD LIBERAL! They have restructured our nation and society for their needs… NOT conservatives. No. To the dementocraps, conservatives are racist bigots if we oppose Ovomit. Veterans everyday sleep on the streets while illegal new dementocraps from Mexico are given a FREE room, board, green cards, jobs, and now a FREE first semester of college. Wanna know the reason as to why Ovomit hasn’t been indicted yet. Hell, that was why he elected in the first place. It’s because he’s BLACK!!! That’s it! That’s all it is. When a president can cook the books, surpass his authority in executive order to make his own rules, THAT IS NOT A PRESIDENCY! THAT IS A DICTATORSHIP!!!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 01:44:38 +0000

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