The tragic,brutal and inhumane incident of terrorism in peshawar - TopicsExpress


The tragic,brutal and inhumane incident of terrorism in peshawar shocked the whole world. stone like hearts even got melted but some pakistani religious scholars did not.once again i am suspected that pak govt in general and army in particular are not serious and sincere to cut this evil of terrorism in the bud.they are again diverting public opinion from the core issue of their intelligence secuirity failure and responsible for this attack indirectly towards spreading hatred against Afghanistan in the hearts of pashtoon people of holding afghanistan responsible for this massive attack,as they did usual.if the govt is serious then these taliban network should be declared unislamic and agaist islam through the pulpits of the Mosques ,the fatwas of religious seminaries and from the platforms of religiou political parties publically and then the govt itself through islamic ideological council and pakistan ulema council by official fatawa. in case of deny that group,seminary and party to be banned.after this then the govt should launch a clear military operation agaist all kinds of terrorists whether good or bad and thier supply line must be cut. media instead of making public opinion against Afghanistan should tell the masses about the itelligence failure of pak army that how did these militants reach safely to the school despite of lots of check posts of army and FC in thier way? Mullah Fazlullah is deputy to Mullah Umar,but pak silence regarding Mullah Umar is quite strange and questionable.once again pak has made our blood a key tool to design agressive forieign policy towards mother country Afghanistan,which she couldnt able to succeed through dharna and militant politics in recent time.pak has conflicts with Afghaistan on the durand line at Bajourr ,which she attempted to keep controll of 3 afghan villages acroos the border but failed as usual after a huge casualties and loses which the media ignore. Now we pashton should realise and join hands together agaist all these evil designs of the pakistan and should raise voices for seeking demands about accountability of the incidents istead of condemnation on the part of govt,other wise the day will come that we would be no more longer alive. IT IS THE CLEAR GENOCIDE OF PASHTONS. /
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 10:05:07 +0000

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